Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Parenthood Is A Health Care Provider - 1730 Words
Planned Parenthood is a health care provider that focuses on supplying women and men of all ages and backgrounds with health care and sex education. This includes, but is not limited to, contraception, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, screenings for cancers, sexual education courses, and, most notably, abortions. Planned Parenthood finds itself at the center of much controversy specifically for its role in terminating pregnancies, as well as providing students with sex education instead of abstinence only programs. This controversy has led to debates over whether Planned Parenthood should receive federal and state funding, and whether its clinics should be closed altogether. There are two opposing claims in the debate over Planned Parenthood. A claim is an appeal that a specific issue needs to be addressed. In this case, one claim is that Planned Parenthood provides its patients with essential health care and sexual education and for that reason should receive full funding and recognition as a legitimate health care provider. The opposing claim is that Planned Parenthood should not receive federal or state funding and would preferably be shut down altogether because it commits murder when it aborts a baby and corrupts the minds of the youth by encouraging casual, even dangerous sex. Each of these claims is made by a claimsmaker, or a person who works to convince others that his or her issue needs to be paid attention to. In this case, each of theShow MoreRelatedParenthood : A Middle Ground1483 Words  | 6 Pagestransmitted infections, fertility, pregnancy care, and breast and cervical cancer no matter if they perform abortions. This has been reversed by President Trump. Trump has signed legislation to cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood and other groups that perform abortion. This was a move defended by conservatives that have demanded to impose curbs on reproductive rights. â€Å"Trump has showed ambivalence about planned parenthood, voicing support for its health- related services other than abortion, andRead MoreParenthood, A Non Profit Healthcare Group1574 Words  | 7 PagesThe History of Planned Parenthood and the Constitutional Right to Abortions Planned Parenthood, a non-profit healthcare group has been under fire with the public hoping to defund the clinics. Planned Parenthood is a health care provider that was funded 100 years ago. In 1916 a Birth control organization was created by Margaret Sanger . When it was first created, it didn’t consider the health or rights of women as a motive. Instead it was founded in order to stop child labor and infant mortality (PrimroseRead MoreA Social Problem That Is Currently Occurring Is Rather1748 Words  | 7 Pagesrather federal funding should continue to keep Planned Parenthood open. Donald Trump has recently joined other Republicans in their vow to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood, solely based on the idea that Planned Parenthood health care services provide for patients to receive an abortion. The percentage of abortions that Planned Parenthood actually does are less than 3% (Planned Parenthood Statistics). Taking funds away from Planned Parenthood creates a pr oblem not only in America but internationallyRead MorePlanned Parenthood Is A Widely Known Nonprofit Organization.1046 Words  | 5 PagesPlanned Parenthood is a widely known nonprofit organization. They are the health care provider for millions of people within our nation. When people hear the words Planned Parenthood they automatically assume abortion. Yes, abortion is a service that they offer yet, they deliver much more than that. They deliver and educate us about birth control, cancer, men and women’s sexual health, pregnancy, sexual orientation and offer the Morning-After Pill (emergency contraception) and sexually transmittedRead MoreHealth At Stake . There Has Been A Recent Event Where The1441 Words  | 6 PagesHealth at Stake There has been a recent event where the House of Republicans defunded an organization for one whole year, which can save many lives. People rely heavily on Planned Parenthood, being the nation’s health care provider, as it provides them with reproductive health benefits. These benefits include, but are not limited to, access to contraception, cancer screenings, and basic preventative care. However, there are numerous amounts of people who concur with the decision to defund thisRead MoreAbortion : The Pro Life Action League873 Words  | 4 Pagesparticipate in marches, pickets, prayer vigils, and also raise awareness by holding large abortion pictures on busy streets to show what the end result of abortion is on an unborn child. They also hold a monthly protest at Planned Parenthood in Aurora, one of the busiest Planned Parenthood clinics, and protest pro-abortion politicians and other public figures that oppose the rights of unborn babies. Some of the other objectives of t his group are to confront abortionists, abortion promoters, infiltrate pro-choiceRead MoreThe Importance Of Planned Parenthood1459 Words  | 6 PagesThe responsibility and the care of a child are often decisions people face when they find out about the announcement of the pregnancy. Fear of growing up fast and the responsibility of a child are often not something people can handle. For millions of men and women across the country, they turn to Planned Parenthood who not only deals with pregnancy but also is resource in birth control, informative about sexual health but STD testing, screenings (â€Å"Sexual Health Topic†). April 14th of 2017, PresidentRead MoreShould Planned Parenthood Be Federally Funded?846 Words  | 4 PagesShould Planned Parenthood Be Federally Funded? Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that does research into and gives advice on contraception, family planning, and reproductive problems. Recently Planned Parenthood has had controversy for many pro-life members creating videos that pro-life members have altered to making many believe Planned Parenthood organizations harvest and sell fetal body parts, and give abortions when they women are too late during their pregnancy. While Planned ParenthoodRead MoreParenthood Should Have More Government Restrictions1228 Words  | 5 PagesDefunding Planned Parenthood Although my view is consistent with a capitalistic micro government, Planned Parenthood should have more government restrictions. Most people would beg to differ for several reasons. This issue has a two sided debate and there is no wrong or right answer. The only way to come down to a fair conclusion is by making a pros and cons list, so one can see each side instead of being close-minded. Planned Parenthood has been controversial due to the services it provides to womenRead MorePlanned Parenthood : A Controversial Topic Sweeping The Nation Of America With Political And Moral Issues1379 Words  | 6 PagesPlanned Parenthood is a controversial topic sweeping the nation of America with political and moral issues. Every day one could come across a new article on it, stubble upon a news article in their local paper or even on their local news station. Planned Parenthood directly provides reproductive health services, is involved in teach young students about sexual education, contrib utes to research in reproductive technology, and interacts with legal and political efforts aimed at protecting and developing
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