Friday, September 4, 2020
The impact of Korean popular music
Why swimming is the best type of activity - Essay Example It expands the body’s digestion which at last outcomes in the consuming of fats. Exercise has consistently been significant piece of the human body. It keeps one fit as a fiddle as well as diminishes the dangers of heart sicknesses, strokes, different tumors and hypertension. In the advanced time the need to practice has expanded altogether. Individuals today want to remain and look fit like never before previously. In the course of recent years different practicing machines and wellness units have been presented some of which contains best in class innovation for example ascertaining beat rate, calories consumed and speed extend and so forth. In any case, swimming has consistently been a traditional method to remain fit and solid, with the fundamental reasons being that it is a straightforward and non innovation situated type of activity conveying some successful outcomes. Swimming is an oceanic game. It is simply the workmanship development in water with the assistance of up per and lower appendages. Swimming is the best type of activity as it is simple on the body, it works all muscles, can be utilized by individuals who are restricted in the activity they can embrace, is shifted Unlike numerous activities which end up being repetitive and brutal, swimming invigorates both the psyche and body. It facilitates the body without giving bumping impacts. Water has some extremely viable and calming impacts. Competitors use water to restore after a physical issue.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Critique of British Foreign Policy in Regard of Libyan Revolution 2011 Essay
Scrutinize of British Foreign Policy in Regard of Libyan Revolution 2011 - Essay Example It additionally includes the examination of the impact inferred by the International people group and the British Government. The Economy One of the fascinating strategies entreated incorporate the two essential wellsprings of income for Libya’s transitional government being unfrozen resources and incomes from the oil business. The job of the British Government and the universal network become helping the Libyan specialists to build up the straightforwardness and responsibility component important to guarantee that the open funds in Libya are spent similarly and in a sound manner.1 Another need going advances will be the improvement of Libya’s economy past its oil industry. Notwithstanding making work, financial broadening is relevant to improving majority rule responsibility which is acknowledged when a legislature is unequipped for exclusively drawing on incomes gathered from common assets for its pay, yet should likewise depend on the venture of its residents. 2 Secu rity Rival state armies keep on working outside the ability to control of the National Transitional Council (NTC), in various zones remembering for the capital Tripoli. The all encompassing make-up of the nouveau transitional bureau has unequivocally directed it endeavors towards enhancing the assessments of local army which float towards their locale/zone being satisfactorily spoken to at the dynamic table. The NTC’s proclaim enthusiasm for incorporating volunteer army into the resistance powers of the state is unquestionable couple with security worries of the state. Simultaneously, this will bring about achieving the twin targets of benefiting minute men with open doors for work and supporting the country’s immature security capabilities.3 The job for the British Government and the universal network in Libya’s Domain is part in two. The aiding the preparing and preparing of the Libyan security and the police power paying little heed to the way that the NTC st ays hesitant to remember pariahs for its security undertakings at the current state. The subsequent part is helping the Libyan specialists to make sure about the immense number of weapons including synthetic weapons, which are unsecured.4 The Tripoli specialists are attempting easily to get the circumstance in the nation’s capital leveled out. A final proposal has been given to the detachments that demand that they should leave by twentieth December. This was done related to the Tripoli Military committee demanding that the boulevards would be blockaded in the event that the outside volunteer armies had not surrendered by, at that point. The NTC’s interval executive negated to the gatherings inferring that showdowns were not the most ideal path around the circumstance. Notwithstanding this, a declaration was made that a significant volunteer army gathering of political dissidents outsider to Tripoli had consented to leave. He chose also the character of the local army bunch however prompting slight theory on the legitimacy of the statement.5 Others individuals from the break government further depicted their help for accepting that civilian armies could be convinced to leave or incapacitate from the capital however this was made with no significant cutoff time. Future Role of Islamist developments in Libya The capacity of Islam in Libya’s open and political life is almost certain in its future structure. Nonetheless, the desire for majority rule government in Libya is genuine and practically no Libyan is keen on the entrenchment of a religious state.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Haunted Elevators at the University of Maryland :: Urban Legend Myths
Frequented Elevators at the University of Maryland A decent urban legend resembles a play: so elegantly composed and conveyed the crowd can't tell if the entertainers are acting. The legend is deliberately made to reverberate with the audiences’ â€Å"hopes, fears, and anxieties†and the conveyance attempts to suspend their skepticism. One urban legend encapsulates these qualities. This urban legend was told by an eighteen-year-old African American undergrad at the University of Maryland. The urban legend managed Denton Hall, where he presently lives. The narrator asserted that one of the dormitory’s early occupants was a young lady who, because of a calcium insufficiency, had an uncommonly powerless bone structure. The narrator couldn't remember her name, yet demonstrated that it had recently escaped his attention and was barely out of reach of his mind. At some point, she was heading off to the feasting corridor with a companion of hers when she understood she had overlooked her I.D. card. She requested that her companion hold the lift while she ran back to her space to get it. She was simply arriving at the lift with her card when the lift, having been held open for a really long time, started humming and the entryways shut. The young lady attempted to bounce onto the lift at last however the entryways shut on her and squashed her. As per the narrator , a portion of her â€Å"brain fluid,†made out of synapses and other electrically conductive synthetic compounds, splashed into the lifts control board and seared a portion of the hardware. Starting there on, the lifts in Denton have been acting up and separate at whatever point anybody holds them open for a really long time. The urban legend was conveyed perfectly. The narrator possessed likewise chosen an ideal energy for his exhibition. He was talking too a little gathering of other Maryland understudies who were hanging tight for the lift in Denton. He had sufficient opportunity to complete his story, in light of the fact that just one of the lifts was working. The narrator introduced the story as though he was just relating the realities. He didn't fill the story with sensational stops or broad endeavors to get an enthusiastic reaction from the crowd. On the off chance that he thought his crowd was going to discover a piece of the story upsetting or amazing he qualified it by saying â€Å"Now I thought this was truly gross.
Chronicling America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Chronicling America - Essay Example In any case, much that has been composed is about the Indians and their social-financial life. For example, the writer has composed that the work done by the Indians in Minnesota realizes them $50,000 - $60,000 every year (Hauke, 1915). Additionally, the peruser discovers that these Indians are 95% productive. This is surely known when the case of the full-blooded Chippewa is given that gets $100 month to month by being a forester. This means the Indians at Minnesota were dedicated. The part of the Red Lake Minnesota Indians as living in vile conditions is additionally very much caught by the creator. Prominently, the Red Lake News was a paper that distributed articles that lived in the region of the Red Lake and not the Indians as it were. Strikingly, regardless of the way that they live in such conditions, the creator has unmistakably shown the collaboration among the individuals from this network whereby they guaranteed that they lived easily. A significant part of the Indians exe rcises both at home and at school were shown at reasonable therefore edifying the individuals that went to on the lives of the Indians. Likewise, the Indians exercises while at school were additionally in plain view, for example, their advancement in games and their social attachment. As I would like to think, the editorial manager is attempting to convey on the significance of social union in the general public and the financial favorable circumstances that accompany that harmony. This is seen when the editorial manager gives the names of the individuals who showed the Indians just as the administrators of the schools (Hauke, 1915).
Friday, August 21, 2020
Midterm paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Midterm - Term Paper Example Convoluting this issue much further is the solicitation that the supervisor makes dependent on mirroring the firecrackers as the honor winning. Normally, as no such honor exists, the representative is confronted with a circumstance where it is possible that they will make up an honor or they will fizzle if the task. At last, entangling matters significantly further is the way that one of the associate is endeavoring to take individual addition of the circumstance by making the honor in return for a conference sexual kindness. As a methods for understanding this dynamic, the moral difficulties, and the alternatives that are accessible to the representative, the accompanying examination will concentrate explicitly on these three fragments. Right off the bat, it ought to be comprehended that utilizing any kind of favor from a kindred associates, regardless of whether in return for sexual assistance or some other great or product, is equivalent with making up the data and lying about the veracity behind the honor. The basic moral purpose for this has to do with the way that it is clear and obvious that the kindred associate doesn't have such an honor and it has never existed. Along these lines, by just avoiding any responsibility and asserting a degree of numbness concerning where the help originated from or when it was earned and why, the representative being referred to isn't any better of a situation when contrasted with that they had produced this bogus honor all alone. From the case that has been introduced up to this point there are at last three alternatives. As needs be, the rest of this examination will spin around talking about these choices, from the least alluring to the most attractive, and advancing an imaginable strategy that the worker should seriously mull over taking. Thusly, the first and least alluring choice is to decline to make up any honor and straightforwardly stand up to the chief with this refusal. Not exclusively will this most probable outcome in a prompt end, it will likewise leave an extremely negative relationship and understanding of the employee’s time at the
Friday, August 7, 2020
Update from Kentucky
Update from Kentucky This entry doesnt have much content, its just a placeholder while I come up with real things to write. In the past week and a half Ive gone through a bacterial respiratory infection (started before then, peaked during finals and is finally getting better), four finals in three days (two on each day with a day in the middle), my 21st birthday (between the two days of finals), my 21st birthday bar crawl with a wonderful group of good friends ranging from the classes of 93 to 07 (Friday night), my flight from Boston through Chicago and into Kentucky (Saturday afternoon), and being back in Kentucky with my family. A public service announcement: Ive been playing around with the SpamLookup configurations on this blog, because it was at the point where I was getting 30+ spam comments a day. If you try to comment, and your comment gets blockedtry removing any HTML link from your name, because Ive noticed that these trigger most of the false positives, and in the meantime Ill keep playing with it.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Culture Of Hispanic Americans Essay - 1123 Words
It is well known that the United States is made up of several different cultures and the health care system delivers care to a very diverse population. However, depending on ones culture-receiving care may be a challenge at times. In this paper we are going to take a closer look at the culture of Hispanic Americans. The Hispanic population has grown to over 55 million residents with in the United States in 2015, with an estimated growth rate of 2.1% per year (Krogstad Lopez, 2015). Making this minority group on of the fastest growing populations within the United States (DeNisco Barker, 2016). Impact on Rural Iowa In rural Iowa, there are few individuals who are knowledgeable of the Hispanic culture due to the small number of Hispanic individuals that have sought out care in the past. Recently, there has been an influx the number of Hispanic Americans seeking care in this area, making the delivery of culturally sensitive communication and care an important topic. According to DeNisco Barker (2016), the nature of nursing care encompasses the need to be aware of cultural diversity (p. 581). Meaning that nurses need to strive for cultural competence to reach the societies expectations in the delivery of nursing care (DeNisco Barker, 2016). We are going to take a look at how nurses can make a few changes that will make providing culturally competent care to the Hispanic population easier in these settings. Article Summary Mexican-Americans are the fastest-growingShow MoreRelatedHispanic Culture And The American Culture1313 Words  | 6 Pagesimmigrants, and do not speak English well. Hispanics are, persons of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American descent, other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. Too often the assumption is made that Spanish-speakers are unamerican, lazy, receive low income, or are uneducated in any way. Hispanics are also demonized in the media as people who are stealing American jobs. That is the belief that some Americans associate with Hispanics. There is a saying foreigners use that goesRead MoreAmerican Culture And Hispanic Culture796 Words  | 4 PagesFor example I would classify the ability to speak Spanish and English as the most important privileges to have in this country and time. Having the access to both of these languages creates the ability to cross cultures whenever I want. Those being the American culture and Hispanic culture. If I want to learn a new language I would have an advantage due to how much these languages overlap with other languages. One can fly across the world, knowing only English or Spanish and one is highly guaranteedRead MoreEssay on Hispanic American Culture Dance914 Words  | 4 PagesHispanic American community are rooted from their origins in Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and other Spanish speaking countries that have come together and form a culture in the United State of America. The culture is built in different categories; for instance, religion, social custom, health practices t heir privacy, and birth. They come from a comprehensive familiar culture that has been called the second in America. Because of their pride and affection they feel unsafe to give up their past. TheirRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Of The Hispanic And American Culture1295 Words  | 6 PagesHispanic vs American Culture Culture is the overall moral belief, customs, language, and attitudes a person is brought and raised into. Daily, we are exposed to diverse and different cultures everyday which allow us to learn the different values and traditions each culture possess. The importance of observing and learning different customs is beneficial because it can help us better adapt and prevent misunderstandings when we communicate and interact with others. Hispanics and Americans are twoRead MoreThe Differences Between American And Hispanic Culture Essay2266 Words  | 10 PagesLatino Americans are facing issues with their identity because of their ethnic and racial backgrounds due to our education institutions in America. These issues result in a separation of their American and Latino culture creating two different identities but not enough of American or Latino identity to fully feel part of either culture. This paper will be addressing the differences between American and Latino culture. American culture is an individualistic culture in which everyone tries to beRead More Compare and Contrast Hispanic Culture and American Culture Essay example1403 Words  | 6 PagesCompare and Contrast Between Hispanic Culture and American Culture I. Introduction The Hispanic population has experienced an incredible growth in the past decade in the United States of America. In 2006 it was estimated that the Hispanic cover 11 % of the population in North America. Their Origin is in Mexico and the few Spanish speaking countries in the Caribbean. American culture is derived from people who originated from the European nations like Italy and the Great Britain. Cultural identityRead MoreEssay about Hispanic and Native Americans Culture in California1938 Words  | 8 PagesCalifornia and today’s society are the Native Americans and Hispanic Americans. To better understand and identify with these minority groups we must identify the common themes within their day to day life. By researching each culture’s common family traditions, religious beliefs, arts entertainment, and language one can gain a greater appreciation of many different kinds of people, and in turn have more effective relationships in a multicultural society. Hispanics comprise California’s largest minorityRead MoreHispanics in the USA Essay1070 Words  | 5 PagesToday, the Hispanic population has grown tremendously over the years. We have watched the Hispanics community growth rate grow faster than any other racial and ethnic group in the nation. The Hispanic culture and community has populated all around the United States, introducing new traditions and customs. I was traveling to different to city in the States, I notice the wide spread growth of Hispanic communities, For Instance in Miami the Cuban and El Salvadoran culture is heavy populate in the areaRead MoreHispanic Cultures And The United States Of America1325 Words  | 6 PagesI. Introduction Hispanic cultures and population has experienced an immense growth in the past decade in the United States of America. In 2010 it is estimated that Hispanics cover 16 % of the population in The United States of America. A significant majority of Hispanics origin is in Mexico and the few Spanish speaking countries in the Caribbean. American culture is based from people who came from the European countries like Italy and the Great Britain. Cultural diversity is very important for everyRead MoreThe Latino And Hispanic Group1025 Words  | 5 PagesThe Latino/Hispanic group is the only ethnic category counted separately by the United States Census. It’s also the largest minority group today in the U.S. and has a variety of different groups. According to the U.S. Census, a Latino/Hispanic person can be black or white when considering race. Depending on the country the individual is from, it could determine if they view themselves as white, black or neither. The census category o f Hispanic became official near the late 20th century. In 1933
Monday, May 18, 2020
Strategic Risks in Retail - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 992 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Part A In part A, we are to discuss the main drivers of risk for the retail business and I have highlighted the Strategic Risk. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Strategic Risks in Retail" essay for you Create order Introduction Risk management is much more extensive than simple financial or operational risk. Ideas, for example, strategic risk management, integrated risk management and enterprise risk management now depict the more extensive provision of such thinking, tools and techniques. There is a typical view that strategic risk is about overseeing risk strategically as opposed to inspecting strategic risk as a classification like operational, financial and other risk regions. This regular perspective reasons disarray and may be one of the reasons that strategic risk is not further examined or particularly overseen. (Rowe, 2009) Definition Slywotzkyand Drzik (2005) attempt defines strategic risk as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“an array of external events and trends that can devastate a companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s growth trajectory and shareholder valueà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Strategic risks are those that emerge from the key choices that chiefs take concerning an associations goals. Basically, strategic risks are the risks of neglecting to accomplish these business targets. A helpful subdivision of strategic risks is: Business risks à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Risks that determine from the choices that the board takes about the items or administrations that the association supplies. They incorporate risks connected with creating and showcasing those items or administrations, economic risks influencing item deals and expenses, and risks emerging from progressions in the technological environment which affect on deals and generation. Non-business risks à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Risks that dont infer from the items or administrations supplied. For instance, risks connected with the long haul wellsprings of fund utilised. Strategic risk levels connect in with how the entire association is situated in connection to its surroundings and are not influenced exclusively by what the executives choose. Competitor movements will influence risk levels in item showcases, and technological developments may imply that creation procedures, or items, rapidly get out-of-date. Responsibility for strategic risk management Strategic risks are controlled by board choices about the targets and heading of the association. Board strategic arranging and choice making methods, thusly, must be intensive. The UK Cadbury report suggests that chiefs make a formal calendar of matters that are saved for their choice. These ought to incorporate critical acquisitions and transfers of benefits, speculations, capital ventures, and treasury approaches. (Weller, 2008) Conclusion To take strategic choices viably, boards need sufficient data about how the business is performing, and about significant parts of the financial, business, and mechanical situations. To evaluate the assortment of strategic dangers the association confronts, the board needs to have a thickness of vision; thus governance reports prescribe that a board be adjusted in abilities, learning, and experience. Then again, regardless of the fact that the board takes after corporate governance best work on concerning the techniques for strategic choice making; this wont essentially guarantee that the chiefs settle on the right choices. Part B In Part B, we are to prepare a risk mitigation management plan for Lunaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Convenience Store senior management adopt considering the risk management strategies in different areas. I will be discussing the Employment Practices. Introduction There are fundamentally three levels to ensuring your business from financial damage as an after-effect of employment practice claims: Identification of risk zones, Developing and managing your organizations employment policies and procedures and Insuring against financial loss. It is a decent thought to create a program that joins each of the three. (Employment Practices, Risk and Management) Identification of Risk Comprehensive list of exposures to employment practice lawsuits common to most businesses: Hiring decisions Promotion, discipline and termination Discrimination Sexual harassment Invasion of privacy Developing and Managing Employment Practices Having a written policy in place for hiring, reviews and office conduct is imperative. That can appear daunting for a little business however there are assets accessible for help. Agendas for interviewing, job descriptions and qualifications; performance desires and estimations; job compensation evaluations, pay for performance arrangements and performance assessment procedures are essential records that, when legitimately utilized, can minimize risk of claims in numerous risk regions. Once finished, these policies, procedures and records ought to be checked on occasionally to verify they stay exceptional. A training program will be required for managers so they know how to execute the general program, conduct reviews, and give feedback and record issues. Representative training ought to blanket workplace conduct and additionally any progressions in job assessment. Finally, no policy or method is extremely significant unless it could be showed that it is emulated reliably and with uniformity over the organization. Development of procedures and policies is just the first step. Training and documentation are additionally vital. Insuring Against Financial Loss Indeed the most generally oversaw business, with sound, overall executed work hones and superb general worker spirit can in any case wind up in court. As a last layer of danger administration Employment Practice Liability Insurance (EPLI) is turning into a standard a piece of numerous business protection programs. Comprehensively talking, this kind of protection spreads asserts by representatives and employment seekers who accept their lawful rights have been maltreated. There are numerous various types of approaches that give contrasting levels of assurance. Conclusion This is not by any methods a complete rundown however it is a decent place to begin. Conflict in taking care of choices in these ranges and an absence of an archived approach in regards to these practices makes defencelessness to budgetary misfortune. Numerous more diminutive organizations, which dont have a devoted human asset or misfortune control capacity or in house guidance, are frequently more at danger due to this absence of dedicated focus. References: Slywotzky, A., J; Drzik, J. (2005). Countering the Biggest Risk of All. Harvard Business Review, (April). 78-88. Employment Practices, Risk and Management. (n.d.). Retrieved from Blaine Insurance: Rowe, C. (2009). Examining Strategic Risk à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Strategicà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Risk or à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Strategic Riskà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Management? Risk Management Blog ClearRisk . Weller, N. (2008). Strategic and Operational Risks. Retrieved from
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Battle of Quiberon Bay During the Seven Years War
The Battle of Quiberon Bay was fought November 20, 1759, during the Seven Years War (1756-1763). Fleets and Commanders Britain Admiral Sir Edward Hawke23 ships of the line5 frigates France Marshal Comte de Conflans21 ships of the line6 frigates Background In 1759, French military fortunes were waning as the British and their allies were gaining the upper hand in many theaters. Seeking a dramatic reversal of fortunes, the Duc de Choiseul began planning for an invasion of Britain. Preparations soon commenced and invasion craft was gathered for a thrust across the Channel. The French plans were badly damaged during the summer when a British attack on Le Havre wrecked many of these barges in July and Admiral Edward Boscawen defeated the French Mediterranean fleet at Lagos in August. Reassessing the situation, Choiseul decided to push forward with an expedition to Scotland. As such, transports were assembled in the protected waters of the Gulf of Morbihan while an invasion army formed near Vannes and Auray. To escort the invasion force to Britain, the Comte de Conflans was to bring his fleet south from Brest to Quiberon Bay. This done, the combined force would move north against the enemy. Complicating this plan was the fact that Admiral Sir Edward Hawkes Western Squadron was holding Brest under close blockade. In early November, a large westerly gale struck the area and Hawke was forced to run north to Torbay. While the bulk of the squadron rode out the weather, he left Captain Robert Duff with five small ships of the line (50 guns each) and nine frigates to watch the invasion fleet at Morbihan. Taking advantage of the gale and shift in the wind, Conflans was able to slip out of Brest with twenty-one ships of the line on November 14. Sighting the Enemy That same day, Hawke departed Torbay to return to his blockade station off Brest. Sailing south, he learned two days later that Conflans had put to sea and was heading south. Moving to pursue, Hawkes squadron of twenty-three ships of the line used superior seamanship to close the gap despite contrary winds and worsening weather. Early on November 20, as he neared Quiberon Bay, Conflans spotted Duffs squadron. Badly outnumbered, Duff split his ships with one group moving north and the other moving south. Seeking an easy victory, Conflans ordered his van and center to pursue the enemy while his rearguard held back to observe strange sails approaching from the west. Sailing hard, the first of Hawkes ships to spot the enemy was Captain Richard Howes HMS Magnanime (70). Around 9:45 AM, Hawke signaled for a general chase and fired three guns. Devised by Admiral George Anson, this modification called for the seven leading ships to form line ahead as they chased. Pressing hard despite increasing gale winds, Hawkes squadron quickly closed with the French. This was aided by Conflans pausing to deploy his entire fleet in line ahead. A Bold Attack With the British approaching, Conflans steered for the safety of Quiberon Bay. Littered with a myriad of rocks and shoals, he did not believe Hawke would pursue him into its waters especially in heavy weather. Rounding Le Cardinaux, rocks at the entrance to the bay, at 2:30 PM, Conflans believed he had reached safety. Shortly after his flagship, Soleil Royal (80), passed the rocks, he heard the leading British ships opening fire on his rearguard. Charging in, Hawke, aboard HMS Royal George (100), had no intention of breaking off the pursuit and decided to let the French ships serve as his pilots in the bays dangerous waters. With the British captains seeking to engage his ships, Conflans tacked his fleet up the bay hoping to reach the Morbihan. With the British ships seeking individual actions, a dramatic shift the wind occurred around 3:00 PM. This saw the gale begin blowing from the northwest and made the Morbihan unreachable for the French. Forced to change his plan, Conflans sought to exit the bay with his unengaged ships and make for open water before nightfall. Passing Le Cardinaux at 3:55 PM, Hawke was pleased to see the French reverse course and moving in his direction. He immediately directed Royal Georges sailing master to put the ship alongside Conflans flagship. As he did so, other British ships were fighting their own battles. This saw the flagship of the French rearguard, Formidable (80), captured and HMS Torbay (74) cause Thà ©sà ©e (74) to founder. The Victory Wearing towards Dumet Island, Conflans group came under direct attack from Hawke. Engaging Superbe (70), Royal George sank the French ship with two broadsides. Shortly after this, Hawke saw an opportunity to rake Soleil Royal but was thwarted by Intrà ©pide (74). As the fighting raged, the French flagship collided with two of its comrades. With daylight fading, Conflans found that he had been forced south towards Le Croisic and was leeward of the large Four Shoal. Unable to escape before nightfall, he directed his remaining ships to anchor. Around 5:00 PM Hawke issued similar orders however part of the fleet failed to receive the message and continued pursuing French ships northeast towards the River Vilaine. Though six French ships safely entered the river, a seventh, Inflexible (64), grounded at its mouth. During the night, HMS Resolution (74) was lost on the Four Shoal, while nine French ships successfully escaped the bay and made for Rochefort. One of these, the battle-damaged Juste (70), was lost on the rocks near St. Nazaire. When the sun rose on November 21, Conflans found that Soleil Royal and Hà ©ros (74) were anchored near the British fleet. Quickly cutting their lines, they attempted to make for the harbor of Le Croisic and were pursued by the British. Proceeding in heavy weather, both French ships grounded on the Four Shoal as did HMS Essex (64). The next day, when the weather had improved, Conflans ordered Soleil Royal burned while British sailors crossed to and set Hà ©ros afire. Aftermath A stunning and daring victory, the Battle of Quiberon Bay saw the French lose seven ships of the line and Conflans fleet shattered as an effective fighting force. The defeat ended French hopes of mounting any type of invasion in 1759. In exchange, Hawke lost two ships of the line on the shoals of Quiberon Bay. Lauded for his aggressive tactics, Hawke shifted his blockading efforts south to the bay and the Biscay ports. Having broken the back of French naval strength, the Royal Navy was increasingly free to operate against French colonies worldwide. The Battle of Quiberon Bay marked the final victory of Britains Annus Mirabilis of 1759. This year of victories saw British and allied forces have success at Fort Duquesne, Guadeloupe, Minden, Lagos, as well as Major General James Wolfes victory at the Battle of Quebec. Sources History of War: Battle of Quiberon BayRoyal Navy: Battle of Quiberon Bay
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Parenthood Is A Health Care Provider - 1730 Words
Planned Parenthood is a health care provider that focuses on supplying women and men of all ages and backgrounds with health care and sex education. This includes, but is not limited to, contraception, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, screenings for cancers, sexual education courses, and, most notably, abortions. Planned Parenthood finds itself at the center of much controversy specifically for its role in terminating pregnancies, as well as providing students with sex education instead of abstinence only programs. This controversy has led to debates over whether Planned Parenthood should receive federal and state funding, and whether its clinics should be closed altogether. There are two opposing claims in the debate over Planned Parenthood. A claim is an appeal that a specific issue needs to be addressed. In this case, one claim is that Planned Parenthood provides its patients with essential health care and sexual education and for that reason should receive full funding and recognition as a legitimate health care provider. The opposing claim is that Planned Parenthood should not receive federal or state funding and would preferably be shut down altogether because it commits murder when it aborts a baby and corrupts the minds of the youth by encouraging casual, even dangerous sex. Each of these claims is made by a claimsmaker, or a person who works to convince others that his or her issue needs to be paid attention to. In this case, each of theShow MoreRelatedParenthood : A Middle Ground1483 Words  | 6 Pagestransmitted infections, fertility, pregnancy care, and breast and cervical cancer no matter if they perform abortions. This has been reversed by President Trump. Trump has signed legislation to cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood and other groups that perform abortion. This was a move defended by conservatives that have demanded to impose curbs on reproductive rights. â€Å"Trump has showed ambivalence about planned parenthood, voicing support for its health- related services other than abortion, andRead MoreParenthood, A Non Profit Healthcare Group1574 Words  | 7 PagesThe History of Planned Parenthood and the Constitutional Right to Abortions Planned Parenthood, a non-profit healthcare group has been under fire with the public hoping to defund the clinics. Planned Parenthood is a health care provider that was funded 100 years ago. In 1916 a Birth control organization was created by Margaret Sanger . When it was first created, it didn’t consider the health or rights of women as a motive. Instead it was founded in order to stop child labor and infant mortality (PrimroseRead MoreA Social Problem That Is Currently Occurring Is Rather1748 Words  | 7 Pagesrather federal funding should continue to keep Planned Parenthood open. Donald Trump has recently joined other Republicans in their vow to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood, solely based on the idea that Planned Parenthood health care services provide for patients to receive an abortion. The percentage of abortions that Planned Parenthood actually does are less than 3% (Planned Parenthood Statistics). Taking funds away from Planned Parenthood creates a pr oblem not only in America but internationallyRead MorePlanned Parenthood Is A Widely Known Nonprofit Organization.1046 Words  | 5 PagesPlanned Parenthood is a widely known nonprofit organization. They are the health care provider for millions of people within our nation. When people hear the words Planned Parenthood they automatically assume abortion. Yes, abortion is a service that they offer yet, they deliver much more than that. They deliver and educate us about birth control, cancer, men and women’s sexual health, pregnancy, sexual orientation and offer the Morning-After Pill (emergency contraception) and sexually transmittedRead MoreHealth At Stake . There Has Been A Recent Event Where The1441 Words  | 6 PagesHealth at Stake There has been a recent event where the House of Republicans defunded an organization for one whole year, which can save many lives. People rely heavily on Planned Parenthood, being the nation’s health care provider, as it provides them with reproductive health benefits. These benefits include, but are not limited to, access to contraception, cancer screenings, and basic preventative care. However, there are numerous amounts of people who concur with the decision to defund thisRead MoreAbortion : The Pro Life Action League873 Words  | 4 Pagesparticipate in marches, pickets, prayer vigils, and also raise awareness by holding large abortion pictures on busy streets to show what the end result of abortion is on an unborn child. They also hold a monthly protest at Planned Parenthood in Aurora, one of the busiest Planned Parenthood clinics, and protest pro-abortion politicians and other public figures that oppose the rights of unborn babies. Some of the other objectives of t his group are to confront abortionists, abortion promoters, infiltrate pro-choiceRead MoreThe Importance Of Planned Parenthood1459 Words  | 6 PagesThe responsibility and the care of a child are often decisions people face when they find out about the announcement of the pregnancy. Fear of growing up fast and the responsibility of a child are often not something people can handle. For millions of men and women across the country, they turn to Planned Parenthood who not only deals with pregnancy but also is resource in birth control, informative about sexual health but STD testing, screenings (â€Å"Sexual Health Topic†). April 14th of 2017, PresidentRead MoreShould Planned Parenthood Be Federally Funded?846 Words  | 4 PagesShould Planned Parenthood Be Federally Funded? Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that does research into and gives advice on contraception, family planning, and reproductive problems. Recently Planned Parenthood has had controversy for many pro-life members creating videos that pro-life members have altered to making many believe Planned Parenthood organizations harvest and sell fetal body parts, and give abortions when they women are too late during their pregnancy. While Planned ParenthoodRead MoreParenthood Should Have More Government Restrictions1228 Words  | 5 PagesDefunding Planned Parenthood Although my view is consistent with a capitalistic micro government, Planned Parenthood should have more government restrictions. Most people would beg to differ for several reasons. This issue has a two sided debate and there is no wrong or right answer. The only way to come down to a fair conclusion is by making a pros and cons list, so one can see each side instead of being close-minded. Planned Parenthood has been controversial due to the services it provides to womenRead MorePlanned Parenthood : A Controversial Topic Sweeping The Nation Of America With Political And Moral Issues1379 Words  | 6 PagesPlanned Parenthood is a controversial topic sweeping the nation of America with political and moral issues. Every day one could come across a new article on it, stubble upon a news article in their local paper or even on their local news station. Planned Parenthood directly provides reproductive health services, is involved in teach young students about sexual education, contrib utes to research in reproductive technology, and interacts with legal and political efforts aimed at protecting and developing
Teaching Philosophy Michael Cohen Education Essay Free Essays
â€Å" Many pupils, particularly those who are hapless, intuitively know what the schools do for them. They school them to confound procedure and substance. Once these become blurred, a new logic is assumed: the more intervention there is, the better are the consequences ; or, escalation leads to success. We will write a custom essay sample on Teaching Philosophy Michael Cohen Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The student is thereby â€Å" schooled †to confound learning with acquisition, grade promotion with instruction, a sheepskin with competency, and eloquence with the ability to state something new. His imaginativeness is â€Å" schooled †to accept service in topographic point of value. Medical intervention is mistaken for wellness attention, societal work for the betterment of community life, constabulary protection for safety, military poise for national security, the rat race for productive work. Health, acquisition, self-respect, independency, and originative enterprises are defined as little more than the public presentation of the establishments which claim to function these terminals, and their betterment is made to depend on apportioning more resources to the direction of infirmaries, schools, and other bureaus in inquiry. †Ivan Illich Deschooling Society ( 1973: 9 ) The pupil is finally responsible for his/her ain acquisition. The professor is responsible for making an environment where acquisition can take topographic point. To this terminal the instructor provides mentoring, resources, cognition and chances for larning in a assortment of manners. These include tactile, ocular, and hearable signifiers. Furthermore, now more than of all time, the professor is a usher and wise man, person who shows pupils waies to knowledge and assist them to larn to believe critically while researching new district. The procedure of ego geographic expedition Fosters lifelong acquisition by promoting the pupil to open internal doors alternatively of presuming that there is some kind of ultimate truth that will someway be spoon fed. Tabula Rasa was ne’er true and surely non for older pupils who have occupations and households. Their life experience is valuable and needs to be shared to do content relevant. Students learn best when they are non merely responsible for their ain acquisition but for the acquisition of others as good. Communal larning Fosters keeping. This is why doing a pupil responsible for the presentation of a lesson helps a pupil to larn. Teaching requires research, organisation, and presentation accomplishments. When pupils present they need to develop and finally pattern all of those accomplishments. There is motive to avoid embarrassment in forepart of equals. This consequences in the acquisition of a deepness of cognition that might otherwise be forgone in the hastiness to finish an assignment. Because the pupil uses a assortment of accomplishments there is natural repeat through acquisition, organisation of stuff, presentation and follow up inquiries. This repeat ensures larning and long term callback since it is presented utilizing several sensory inputs. â€Å" Play is the work of kids †( Friedrich Froebel, 1839 ) Furthermore, larning must be merriment. Play is what kids do to ease their geographic expedition of their immediate environment. Play describes our ability to larn about, internalise and pull strings our environment. This desire for drama remains with us for life. If we are to be successful instructors we must work the desire for drama, modified to the appropriate life phase, to assist our pupils learn. To some grade, we are all kids in that we are all invariably larning. For that ground, we all need to be able to play because it is through drama that we are most originative. Play gives our pupils the freedom to pull strings thoughts and techniques in ways that no other method offers. Our learning methods need to reflect this truth and offer pupils chances to try new attacks and show new thoughts in a safe environment. Teaching methods should supply chances that recognize and cultivate the built-in desire of worlds to play and experiment. Students need acknowledgment and blessing. In many cases these have been losing from the instruction they have experienced to day of the month. Much of the success our pupils have experienced has been external and non officially recognized. In many cases, their wonder and experimentation have met with disapproval and penalty. So it falls to us to rectify and assist pupils reconstitute their thought to accept their ain innate intelligence. Our pupils are on their manner to going experts and governments in their chosen Fieldss because they have a passion for the work they have chosen. It falls to us to indue them with Einstein ‘s expletive. He said: â€Å" To penalize me for my disdain for authorization, destiny made me an authorization myself. †Albert Einstein, 1930 Students will be the governments of the hereafter. Therefore, they need to go womb-to-tomb scholars if this is non already their mentality, non merely for their personal growing and the satisfaction of a life-time of acquisition, but to run into the changeless and rapid alteration that the following century will certainly convey. In a universe that is invariably going a more accessible and classless topographic point, our pupils must non merely develop critical thought accomplishments that make them effectual citizens, but the professional and political accomplishments that impart ability to retrain to run into new challenges and engineerings. To this terminal it is our duty to assist pupils larn to accommodate and get the accomplishments they will necessitate throughout life. This requires us to non merely present cognition, but to show it in such a manner as to demand from the pupil the work and satisfaction that will do him/her a womb-to-tomb scholar. â€Å" Self Actualization is the intrinsic growing of what is already in the being, or more accurately, of what the being is. †Abraham Maslow, 1968 It is merely through self realization that existent larning takes topographic point and merely through the internalisation of larning that the ability to mentor matures and becomes accessible to others. If pupils are to go leaders, experts and governments so they must larn to do learning portion of the cloth of their being. It is our occupation to assist them detect within themselves the tools that make this possible. Our pupils can accomplish success, illustriousness and fulfilment merely if their apprehension of engineering includes an apprehension of its ( de ) humanising impact on the universe, their possible for impacting that universe and, by extension, humanity. As module we impart that understanding in everything we do and through the techniques we use in and out of the schoolroom to edify and ease both their acquisition and our ain. How to cite Teaching Philosophy Michael Cohen Education Essay, Essay examples
Personnel Administration free essay sample
Apart from the above mentioned norm of the Personnel Administration,other responsibility must be considered such as personnel motivation. This is because,personnel motivation can guarantee the efficiency and productivity of the organization. (Amnah Mohd Yaacob,Pg. 69,6. 0). However,it is depend on how their done it,meaning to say,how and what types or method their use to make their staff motivated. For example,either by giving their staff bonuses in addition of salary or promote the individual that has contribute many to their department or organization. (Chua Kim Hing,lecture).Based on my understanding and fact,there is no difference between the public personnel administration and private personnel administration,except the responsibility of the public sector is far wide and difficult in nature because of its large size. (Amnah Mohd Yaacob,Pg. 69,6. 1 Chua Kim Hing,lecture). In Malaysia,the public service department(PSD) undertakes the main function of the personnel administration. We will write a custom essay sample on Personnel Administration or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Public Service Department responsible in emulating certain policies with concern to personnel and its personnel administration from recruitment until retirement level. Amnah Mohd Yaacob,Pg. 69,6. 1). In addition,human resource is important as other form of technologies and it must not be neglected. The organization productivity remains the sole ability of the human resources. If the workers are served well, such as considerable wages,sufficient rest time,provision of medical benefits and others, as well as their welfare are taken care. Hence,the workers will be pleased to work efficiently,effectively and productively. (Amnah Mohd Yaacob,Pg. 69,6. 1).The first function of Personnel Administration is to recruit suitable personnel according to the job specification of the organization. Personnel utilisation must be carefully planned as per organization requirement. The total personnel employed mus not be less or more than required in order to avoid extra expenses. On the other hand,if the total personnel employed are less than required,organization may encounter difficulties in implementing certain programmes in the specified time frame. (Amnah Mohd Yaacob,Pg. 0. 6. 1) Secondly,Personnel Administration also needed when to prepare suitable regulations as well as terms and conditions of employment according to the organization requirement without oppression. Oppresion here mean discrimination. The stipulated terms and regulations should be acceptable to employees and encourage good working condition. (Amnah Mohd Yaacob,Pg. 70,6. 1) Lastly,the function is to establish a suitable and reasonable remuneration system as per employment status in the organization.The salary or wages given should be equable to the job function of the employee. Means,there are specific amount of wages to pay for certain post,yhe higher your position in the organization,the more wages you will get. Overpaid salary can overburden the organization. On the other hand,under paid salary may lead to employees dissatisfaction and it can cause productive. (Amnah Mohd Yaacob,Pg. 70,6. 1) All in all,the above are the main functions of the Personnel Administration and these functions may be the basic in elevating furthers the prestige of the organization.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Ford Ka Hbs Case free essay sample
The Ford Ka cannot be marketed to a specific demographic segment, as defined by traditional variables such as income, age, or marital status. Willingness to purchase the Ka was for the most part not dependent on membership in these traditional segments. Alternatively, we propose Ford develop a campaign toward a certain segment defined by attitudinal and psychographic variables. We plan to target this segment with tailored advertising campaigns addressing their unique worldview, and adopt higher-end pricing to maximize profit from what ultimately must be a niche product with a small number of loyal followers. Segmentation of the overall car market The overall market in France, in 1995, was segmented almost exclusively by primary demographics. The industry served this market with ten different product categories breaking cars down by economy, size, features, and utility. However, during the 1980s and early 1990s, changes in French tax law raised the price of fuel dramatically, making smaller, more fuel-efficient cars more desirable. This effect was amplified by increased road congestion, parking difficulty in urban areas, and a growing number of women drivers, leading a new trend for smaller cars to be increasingly popular choices for drivers at all income levels. By 1995, 71. 7% of all cars sold were in the mini, small, or lower medium car categories. This rapid movement of customers to the small category attracted drivers who had been accustomed to the premium features of the mid-sized and large cars. Their demand drove the development of small cars that would have the features, performance, or handling characteristics that customers preferred. Four new product categories emerged within the small car category matched to customers’ needs: Aâ€â€economy, practical; Basic-Bâ€â€stylish, good value; Trend-Bâ€â€high performance, features; Other-Bâ€â€luxury and sports derivatives. Ford’s Strategy By 1992, the success of the Twingo had redefined the entire B category and forced others to redesign and include better style, functionality, and more interior space in order to compete. Ford’s solution was the Ka, which was quickly developed, borrowing the Fiesta’s chassis to save costs. Restrained n time and design, the Ka differentiated itself with unique styling, features, and maneuverability. Cars are normally designed as a solution for an existing and identified need in the market, but Ford took a backwards approach and produced the Ka without a specific market in mind. This presented the unique challenge of having to find a market for a hastily formulated product, rather than tailoring a p roduct for an identified high-demand segment. This was doubly challenging in the case of the Ka. Its main differentiating feature was its styling. Based on the technical designs of existing products, the Ka would be hard pressed to appeal to customers on any utilitarian features such as fuel mileage or handling. Finding consumers who would purchase a car whose main selling point was unique styling necessitated studying consumer attitudes towards on a deeper level. Armed with market research data, our team identified a target market for the Ka under different criteria than ones used for the established demographic segments. The following paragraphs outlay our approach. Demographic variables for Ka We ran a multiple regression analysis with the dependent variable of respondents listing the Ka in their top 1/3 of car choices and the independent variables the demographic data: gender, martial status, household status, income level, and age. We found that not one of these data are predictive of whether or not a respondent will like the Ka. Each variable had low P-values, indicating that none are statistically significant. A table of correlations and a series of chi-squared tests also shows that no variable is particularly correlated with the Ka choosers with any statistical significance. See figures 1-6 for all tables and cross-tabs. ) This confirms our intuition that the Ka, with its unique styling, would have polarizing appeal cutting across traditional demographics. Psychographic question responses identify distinct attitudinal segments The survey included 62 questions designed to capture the respondents’ attitudes about cars, car features, car manufactures, car buying h abits, and general consumer tendencies. First, we ran a factor analysis to reduce those 62 questions into a smaller set of core underlying issues. Our scree plot indicated there were 4 key factors: â€Å"Form Over Fashion†, indicating the extent to which consumers preferred technical features over a stylish car; â€Å"Sport Car Junky†, indicating the extent to which consumers were willing to sacrifice practicality for a car with more zip; â€Å"Car Avoidance†, indicating the extent to which consumers were enthusiastic about cars and the automotive industry; and â€Å"Frequent Driving†, indicating the extent to which consumers expected to make heavy use of their car. We categorized the 62 questions to these four factors based on which one had the strongest factor weighting. Segmentation approach and target buyer identification To identify attitudinal segments, we used a K-means cluster on the same 62 attitudinal questions, and generated 4 clusters. The four clusters can be described by the following groups that summarize how each group responded to the attitudinal questions, as summarized by their average factor score (see figure 7. ) 1. Pragmatists: Not fashion conscious; just wants a reliable car with solid features that will get them from A-to-B. Spends the greatest amount of time in their car, and sees it as an extremely practical tool. Would never buy a sports car. 2. Car lovers: Likes functional cars with strong performance. Loves their car, and loves rolling up their sleeves and changing their own oil. More likely to take their car out for a weekend joyride than to spend all day shuttling kids to and from soccer practice. 3. Fashionistas: The only cluster that prefers fashion to form. Leans towards sporty cars over hassle-free cars. Isn’t in love with cars, or the concept of owning one, but if she has to has one, wants it to be stylish. 4. Reluctant Car Owners: Scored the strongest on form over function and on car avoidance. Sees cars as a necessary evil. Will buy one, but doesn’t want to get too involved in it. We decided to target segment 3, for the following reasons (see figure 8 for full table of relevant data): 1. Market size. We calculated the â€Å"returns†for each segment, based on their likelihood of purchasing the Ka, and their prevalence within the sample. (Returns = hit_rate * size. While segment 3 actually had the lowest hit rate, it was the largest market, and was nearly tied for highest returns. We are not troubled by the low hit rate – we recognize the Ka has a unique styling that won’t appeal to every consumer. 2. Competitive advantage. Segment 3 is the only segment willing to buy a car based on its form, rather than its function. The Ka’s only competit ive advantage in the market is its unique style. If we attempt to pursue segments that make purchase decisions based on other features, the Ka will eventually lose to better positioned competitors. . Financial Attractiveness. In addition to their size, segment 3 has other attractive features. They are the most frequent car buyers, as measured by their short average time since last purchase. They have among the highest income levels in the sample. And they are the least brand loyal – making it easy for us to initially win their business (though harder to keep it). Together, these variables paint a picture of a consumer that treats cars like fashion accessories, willing to buy a new one each season to fit their style needs – a potentially lucrative market. Potential implementation problems with approach It may be difficult to find and reach these consumers. Because traditional marketing channels like paid television and media advertisements segment their audiences using traditional media, we are unable to target our segment, which cuts across traditional demographic variables. This would mean either a weak advertising campaign that fails to reach our targets, or spending inefficiently on expensive mass market advertising that covers the entire population. One alternative would be extremely targeted media buys in specific TV shows and magazines that we imagine our target cluster would frequent – for instance, fashion magazines. Key target ad campaign Because Segment 3 is slightly skewed towards a higher income level, we recommend pricing the Ka at a level slightly higher than its competitors. Because $750M were already saved in development costs, we feel that an extra effort in advertising, especially in television ads, would be appropriate to give the Ka a better chance of success. It should be positioned as its design suggests: stylish, urban, and sophisticated. We want to create a campaign based around Daft Punk’s song â€Å"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger†(Daft Punk is a French electronic music band and the song features an up-tempo beat with a blend of electronic and organic drum sounds and snappy, to-the-future synth leads, with appropriate and repeating lyrics â€Å"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger†giving it an exciting, age-less appeal). The flagship component would be a 30-second television ad various shots of the Ka maneuvering effortlessly through traffic in an urban setting and parking right next to a hip restaurant between two larger cars. The car would be displayed driver-less so as not to appeal more to one age group than another. This ad would be aired during programming with a mainstream audience. Next, we would place full-page ads showing a driver-less car and a reference to the song in the publications of our where our trendy segment resides (we admit ignorance in knowing which French magazines these might be). An online presence would be very appropriate today for this segment, but it only applies to the extent that the internet was utilized in 1995 France, which was during the first massive internet adoption period. The goal of these ads is to capture the attention of Segment 3 drivers and catch them with the stylish look of the car joined with the â€Å"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger†theme to create an desirable image of a car worthy to buy without a test ride. Appendix Figure 1 Figure 2 NOT statistically significant NOT statistically significant Figure 3
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Imagery Essays (796 words) - Odyssey, Ancient Greek Religion
Imagery TAKE HOME TEST PART IV #5 IMAGERY Imagery is used throughout the Odyssey and the story of Oedipus. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is compared to objects, other people and animals. In the story of Oedipus, Oedipus is compared to riddles and objects. In the Odyssey, Odysseus's adventure brings him through many tragedies and hard time. His name is revealed in the story as being one who suffers. Toward the end of the story he is compared to a lion when he emerges victorious against the suitors and the maids are described as small animals scurrying away from him. He is described missing his wife as a shipwrecked swimmer misses the shore. His wife Penelope is described grappling Odysseus as a swimmer that has finally reached land. Throughout the Odyssey Sleep is used to convince the reader that Odysseus is mortal. When he sleeps something bad happens. Sleep means he is not like the Gods peppered through the story. He is mortal and Gods don't have to sleep. In the story of Oedipus his name is ?swollen feet?. This imagery of swollen feet is the key to his identity. The image of the foot in the riddle of the sphinx is used to describe man and Oedipus. He has 4 feet when he is a young child he has 3 feet when he is old and blind and needs the assistance of a cane and he has two feet when he is at the height of his power. There is curse over Thebes, making the land and women infertile. The image of fertility is given with the Goddess of the earth giving the curse upon the land and women. Throughout both the Odyssey and Oedipus the image of family is used. In the Odyssey lineage is used with Odysseus's father son and himself bringing a sense of family values to the story. In Oedipus the link between him being Husband and son to his wife and mother and father and son to his children also relates to his multiple identities. As well as his family his identities are shifted to being a band of thieves that attacks and kills Laius, his father. Sig ht and blindness versus light and dark also have imagery in the story. Oedipus is blind to the fact that he killed his father and married his mother and is physically blinded when he gouges his eyes. Both of these stories have many examples of imagery. They both have the main characters compared to many different things. Using imagery to get the point across instead of coming right out and saying it. # 3 Culture and Civilization Culture and Civilization play important role in the text we have read. They make the characters act a certain way and make a devise a distinct structure of how characters act and as well as certain procedures to follow. In the Odyssey, It seems nothing can be done without a sacrifice or a prayer to certain Gods or Goddesses. When you are setting out to sea an offering is given or something is burned. When a war is to be waged and victory is wanted an offering must be given. These were standard practices and seem to be a normal thing in this society. This would seem to be a drawback to society having to make these prayers and sacrifices to d anything. Family values are definitely a major thing to consider. The story has Penelope Odysseus's wife and son faithful to him through his long journeys. A great deal of respect and honor is given to leaders and warriors. Odysseus's name is revered. Everyone has seemed to hear of this hero of Troy. In his venture he hides this fact so as to find the true intentions of people. Giving his name would demand honor and respect and without it he will find honesty and the true nature of these strangers. The concept of being nice to strangers is a big deal. They say th at you should be nice to them because you never know when they might be Gods in disguise. This being totally different of what is expected of today's culture. ?Don't talk to strangers.? The state of being fit and healthy has a lot
Thursday, March 5, 2020
How to Write a Conclusion for a Lab Report -
How to Write a Conclusion for a Lab Report How to Write a Conclusion for a Lab Report? Many people lack writing experience in order to perform some written tasks. This especially applies to those who major in some sciences like chemistry, physics, biology or similar – they just have a different set of mind. The problem arises when these people attend a university. It is not a secret that a large number of academic papers are essential components of the educational process, which means that there is no way one can avoid writing papers for college. And even a bigger problem arises when a student has to perform such a complex task as a laboratory project, which requires not only inThere is not a single foolproof way of writing a conclusion in lab report. There are many approaches that can point you in the right direction. Feel free to use this lab report writing guide. Alternatively, take a look at this example of a lab report conclusion for the following experiment:Experiment goal: To create the best environment for fish in the aquariumThe aim is to work out a rel ationship between the water’s temperature and the amount of oxygen dissolved in it (to find the optimal temperature to provide more oxygen for fish in the water). An experiment is set up. Ice and a hot plate are used to alter temperature of water. The amount of dissolved oxygen present in the sample of water is then measured (using a chemical set).Hypothesis: Oxygen levels decrease as the temperature water is increased.Conclusion paragraph: The purpose of this experiment was to measure the effect of altering water temperature on the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. The graph shows such results. The coldest temperature water contained most oxygen in it – about 6.3 mg / L at 10 °C; the warmest temperature water contained least oxygen in it – about 4.9 mg/L at 30 °C. The trend seems to be linear – as the temperature is increased, the amount of available oxygen decreases. This data supports the original hypothesis. In this work, it was difficult t o maintain a stable temperature long enough to test it accurately (the water rapidly warmed up as one went through the oxygen testing procedure). Perhaps future tests could be done more quickly to prevent temperature changes and minimize error. Future experiments could test for other factors that can affect oxygen levels in water. The assumption is that adding plants to the aquarium could affect oxygen levels (when they photosynthesize).This above example is a basic high school trial. But pay heed to how all necessary information regarding the experiment is neatly presented. It is done in such a way that the reader gets a clear understanding of the concept even without reading the rest of the lab report and without being a scientist. This resource includes another sample lab report.Just a few final tips left to share with you: write your paper in the third person, avoid using â€Å"I†or â€Å"we†. Once you have completed your work, read through it again checking fo r any inconsistencies. Make sure you don’t contradict yourself and your conclusion reiterates what you have learned from the experiment show you understand your topic! On your final reading proofread your writing to avoid any grammatical or spelling errors that could lower your overall grade.We hope all above information will help you produce your perfect paper. However, you can also use a professional lab report writing service which is guaranteed to get you a top grade in your discipline.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Ethical Issues in Marriage, Sexuality and Family Essay
Ethical Issues in Marriage, Sexuality and Family - Essay Example Generally, ethics is about determining and differentiating the good acts from the bad acts, developing good and accepted characters among people and fostering social order (Robin 20). Ethical issues Within the social structure, ethics is very much linked to marriage, sexuality and family. Ethics gives a guideline on what is expected of the contract union between husband and wife. Traditionally, marriage has been perceived as a lifelong committed relationship between a man and a woman with the purpose of procreation and upbringing of children with allowance of divorce only where any progeny have reached their maturity (McNeil, 198). However with introduction of new technology, this definition has been challenged and is loosing its meaning in the ethic. The universal acceptance of the contraceptives as a morally legitimate option that facilitates reproduction of children to be an optional choice for the married couples has brought a new face to the traditional marriage (Gallagher, 34). Marriage is no longer based on procreation achievement only but rather on ones happiness, pleasure and gain. Marriage has lost its ethical value in the society and adopted the contract perspective where couples can stay together and divorce or part ways at the will of either of the contracting party. Today, marriage is not necessarily a contract between people of the opposite sex but rather even people of the same sex (Cleves, 48). Homosexual and lesbian unions do as well qualify as marriages since today marriage is simply a contract between two parties that want to live together and not necessarily with the aim of procreation. This situation has been encouraged with the introduction of the new technologies that has seen people of the opposite sex using contraceptives to avoid procreation. At the same time, the scientific methods have made it possible for people of the same sex like the lesbian to also procreate and bear children (Allsopp & O’Keefe 78). Although this trend i s highly gaining popularity, it is still seen as in ethical for people of the same sex neither to marry nor to reproduce through the modern technologies that are seen as away of offending God who created human beings and advocated for opposite sex marriage as well as procreation. The sexual differentiation issue brings the debate of doing the good or bad in human being as per the ethics that do exists. The moral of doing well as in regard to sexual differentiation and reproduction is of importance since sex is a biological characteristic that is based with procreation. However sexuality faces ethical threat due to the fact that at the moment, developments in science and technology has made it possible for people to have sexual intercourse without necessary aiming to conceive a child (Aertsen 65). Also contemporary reproductive technologies have made it possible for people to conceive without necessarily engaging into sexual intercourse. This has witnessed severed relationship betwee n the link of sexual intercourse and that of procreation since they no longer depend on one another but they can be achieved independently of one another. Today people engage in sexual activities without the concern of being a father and mother but as personal preference to meet their desires (Gallagher 40). Naturally, men are supposed to be sexually attracted to women and women should be attracted to men. Today, men are attracted to follow men while women are attracted to fellow women and this has led to sexuality loosing its ethical standards and
Monday, February 3, 2020
The Subject Labor Relation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Subject Labor Relation - Essay Example Whether knowingly or unknowingly most of the individual is under stress. This stress is not limited to only Industry it prevails in personal life, private life, business, education, and industry. In industry again it was believed that the managerial staff is only subjected to more stress with targets and deadlines. But in modern industry stress is prevailed in all including a worker on whom the production targets are fixed efficiency is closely monitored. Stress leads to health problems such as nervousness, Blood Pressure, heart problems, constipation, muscle problems, tension, depression etc. Stress not only leads health problems it also leads to budget loss to the industry in form of compensation claims. Stress leads a lot of loss to any industry since due to stress the workers' loose health which will reduce their productivity causes compensation etc. (Erika.Hampton on 12/10/2005 5:24:47 PM) Stress can be reduced by a few minutes walk around and a few minutes meditation. Short breaks give mental relief and refresh the mind thereby enables the workmen to work to the optimum capacity. (Angela. Monti on 12/13/2005 9:43:57 PM) Dilly Dally of assignments leads to stress. Avoiding the postponement of work can reduce stress. The assignments, which cannot be done, are to be eliminated from taking up and those that can be done may be undertaken. Most of the managers do not want to hear the word No from their workers or sub-ordinates they always want to here yes whatever job assigned to them. This creates stress first on the workers and then it will be shifted to the boss again when they spoil the job in stress. To reduce the stress listen to the word 'No' try to understand why No then counsel the worker then make it yes if it is really yes.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) Summary and Analysis
The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) Summary and Analysis The Motorcycle Diaries, directed by Walter Salles traces an 8000-mile journey of two close friends, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, who would become the iconic Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara and his friend, Alberto Granado. As they travel from Argentina to Peru by motorcycle, truck, raft and foot looking for adventure, they gain a new perspective of the world that they never expected to garner. As Ernesto and Alberto cross of thousands of miles across Latin America, from one country to another, the borders between each country vanish and the continent itself surfaces as a whole, one entity united. Ernesto, toward the end of the movie, poignantly makes his birthday speech before a toast, â€Å"This journey has only confirmed this belief, that the division of America into unstable and illusory nations is a complete fiction. We are one single mestizo race from Mexico to the Magellan Straits.†The extensive landscape scenes show an immense geographical diversity, from dense forests to snowy mountains to arid deserts to thick jungle, from the wild to the rural to the urban. Yet in each place, the two Argentinians feel connected to the people, to the land, and its history. On the journey, Che and Granado see poverty and oppression constantly haunting all across Latin America and lend a helping hand to the oppressed. They realise that the injustices and suffering of poor and powerless Latin Americans are not confined by frontiers but that they almost characterise the continent as a whole. The young men who were initially looking forward to a trip full of adventure and romance find lines of indigenous people on the mountain roads, homeless in their own land. They meet a peasant couple who has been forced onto the road and lost many friends because of their communist beliefs. Che enrages at a copper mining companys maltreatment of the workers who must beg for work in the brutal mines. During their visit to the ruins of the once splendid Inca city of Machu Picchu, the two comrades dolefully compare it to the vast slums of Lima in Peru established by the conquerors. While Granado dreams of a peaceful return to the glories of the past, Che muses on the power of guns and on how a civilisation of such magnificence and beauty could have been destroyed by the creators of such a polluted, decayed city of Lima and blurts out, â€Å"A revolution without guns? It will never work.†As the journey continues, Ernestos connection to people in need grows more and more tangible throughout the film. In Peru where Che and Granado volunteer for three weeks at the San Pablo leper colony, refuses to wear rubber gloves during his visit choosing instead to shake bare hands with startled leper inmates. There, Guevara sees both physically and metaphorically the division of society the staff live on the north side of a river, separated from the lepers living on the south. At the end of the journey and after his stay at the leper colony, Ches egalitarian, anti-authority beliefs grow in him and, at his birthday toast, puts much emphasis on a united Latin American identity that transcends the narrow-minded provincialism and the limited boundaries of nation and race. That night, Che makes his symbolic final journey when despite his asthma, he swims across the river that splits the two societies of the leper colony, spends the night in a leper shack, instead of in the cabins of t he doctors. It symbolises his adamant and fierce desire to bring justice and equality to the oppressed, to the society and to Latin America. These encounters with social injustice transform the way Guevara sees the world and allegedly motivates his later political activities as a revolutionary. And there is an urgent question posing itself before Che: on which side of the river is he going to spend all his life? Which side of the tracks? Che is challenged by all that he has seen. By the end of the journey, Che has undergone a conversion. â€Å"I think of things in different ways, something has changed in me.†The testimonies of the many downtrodden South Americans that he has encountered have inspired Che to begin his search for this solution.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The emerging economics, the so-called BRICs: Brazil, Russia, India, and China are predicated to be global players in next few decades. In being the world’s top global players these countries must realize that in order to become a true global power they will have to take on greater social responsibilities that will deal with ethical concerns. An increasing number of companies are moving production to the BRICs in order to take advantage of generous tax incentives, high productivity rates, and cheap labor. For example, Wal-Mart and Bharti Enterprises, a leading Indian cell phone operator, plan to open hundreds of Wal-Mart superstores across India by 2010 (International Business Environments and Operations, Applegate, Austin, and Soule 2009 pp. 219). However, with the BRICs emerging as economic powerhouses and the increasing number of foreign counties increasing to do business with them ethical rules must integrate into their business practices for the BRICs to have an impact on the whole world. Brazil has been an aspiring contender in the up and coming emerging counties but it has been struggling for decades because it has struggled to achieve expectations due to problems in income equality, productivity, and education. In order to obtain the status as one of the world’s leaders these social responsibilities must be addressed and corrected. The emergence of the BRICswill challenge the well-being and sustainability of the global environment. China is one of the pillars of the global economy, but controversies surround China’s future growth because of the controversy surrounding Chinese labor practices or tainted imports traced back to Chinese suppliers. In addition to the surrounding labor and tainted imports our Western-centric view of the world and current media restrictions in China the world’s largest country remains mysterious in many ways. Because of this, the development of a greater focus on corporate social responsibility in China has gone somewhat unnoticed. Chinese government has acted with some hesitancy in years past to fully embrace a more updated idea of corporate social responsibility because of fears such as added costs to exporting goods; however the situation has now changed. Not only are there new proposed regulations that foreign companies must submit their own sustainability reports within China, but various sectors within the Chinese economy have embraced both domestic and international standards to help propel Chinese businesses to greater heights around the world. ttp://www. chinacsr. com/en/2009/02/23/4572-how-far-can-chinese-companies-take-corporate-social-responsibility/. Russia is faced with incurring concerns with ethical issues that is attributed to their uncertain weak and corrupt government and the emergence of widespread market activity in Russia. Bribery has become a way of business in Russia. According to several recent surveys and interviews with dozens of ordinary Russians, it has surged in scale and scope in recent years under the presidency of Vladimir Putin. The prevalence of corruption and crime in business affairs has been generally recognized as a major cause of concern. Speculation about whether the movement toward a legitimate market economy can be sustained without a foundation of supportive institutions has been justifiably raised. The development of a system of ethical business practices in Russia process is needed to create a civil society along with becoming a global world leader. India is well aware of their involvement in corporate social responsibility to gain a position as one of the world’s strongest leaders. In terms of government rules and regulations, Jagdish Sheth, executive director of the India, China and America Institute and a professor of marketing at Emory University said that in India, â€Å"the government acts as a gatekeeper rather than an enabler, with slow approval, a complex bureaucracy and corruption. Enforcement is also lax†(Sheth, 2007). India has enacted several laws pertaining to child labor laws, environmental, and right to information and corruption laws however there are low levels of government capacity for law enforcement and implementation in India, causing relatively high levels of corruption, but other laws were enacted to give the general public right to government information which was meant to promote transparency and responsibility in the work of all governmental institutions. There is a strong belief in corporate social responsibility in India,†Sheth said. He also noted how Indian management style differs from that in the West: Decisions are made by the person at the top, not in a participatory way. And there is what he called a caste system by education. http://www. scu. edu/ethics/practicing/focusareas/business/conference/2007/presentations/sheth. html
Friday, January 10, 2020
Learning Styles and Personality Types in a Group Dynamic
Learning Styles and Personality Types in a Group Dynamic When working in a group environment, one will encounter different people who think, learn and act in different ways. In order to succeed, we must understand these differences and how to use them to our advantage while working with others. Multiple Intelligences When Gardner developed his Multiple Intelligence theory, it gave people a new insight to the way we learn. This breakthrough also helped us to work more effectively with one another as well as how to better communicate with each other. Verbal-Linguistic Someone who is Verbal-Linguistic is very simply good with language. A Verbal-Linguistic person will excel with writing, talking or listening. Therefore, to better work with this type of an individual, one should either write notes or have a face-to-face conversation. This way the Verbal-Linguistic person can best understand and contribute to the group. Intrapersonal Intrapersonal individuals excel at being alone and their own thoughts and feelings. They may at first seem to be a detriment to a group because of their tendency to want to be quiet and observe. This behavior may be seen by others as someone who does not want to work together or contribute, which can lead to conflict. To work with someone who is intrapersonal, one should be aware that they might not express their ideas openly. Any tasks that need to be done that don’t involve the group as a whole could be delegated to this individual. Visual-Spatial Artwork, design and formatting are all things Visual-Spatial people do best. When working with someone who is Visual-Spatial, it will help to not give long speeches. Visual-Spatial learners best learn and contribute through the use of pictures, maps and diagrams. To effectively make use of these individuals, any tasks that relate to this would be best. Personality Types According to the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, there are four types of personalities: thinker, organizer, giver and adventurer. When working in a group, it is beneficial and essential to understand what types of personalities lie within your group. Organizer If someone is an organizer, they tend to be focused on details. This is good for a group because they will be very thorough in each task making sure everything is complete and accurate. To best work with organizers, make sure each requirement is clear and defined and everything is understood and laid out in a clear manner. Adventurer Adventurers seek to do things in a non-conventional way. They may want to take a more active approach to the project as opposed to standard discussions and writing. In some groups this may be seen as a waste of time or unwillingness to complete the task up to the group standard. Allowing adventurers to take a different approach, even if it is not used in the final product, will not only allow them to understand the material better, but it could also add different elements into the group project that might not have been thought of that could raise the quality of the project as a whole. Thinker When working with thinkers, it is important to understand the need to work alone. Like individuals who are intrapersonal, thinkers work best by themselves. To help make them feel more at ease in a group environment, allow them to complete tasks that do not require the entire group. While working with the group at large, thinkers will be useful to solve problems the group may be facing during a task. Conclusion Assessing the learning styles and personality types of the members in your group is essential to the group’s ultimate success. Failure to use member’s strengths could result in conflicts and not achieving the goals the group has set. When each member is utilized in a way that they are strong in and in a way they are comfortable in, they will not only be productive and active within a group, but also achieve a higher quality of work which will only help the whole group succeed.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Biography Of Martin Luther King Jr. - 893 Words
â€Å"In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.†~ Albert Schweitzer Mr. Schweitzer s beautiful words echo my own thoughts and embody my dream to impact those around me in a positive manner. Many inspiring leaders have influenced and changed the atmosphere of their communities, families, and friends by their words and by their examples. From the motivational speeches of Martin Luther King Jr., to the chance remark of a friend, words can become seeds planted or pivotal moments changing the very course of our lives. Honorable words soothe and bring grace; harmful ones can create prisoners of self doubt and hamper the growth of the human spirit. For many years of my life, I allowed negative words to create my self-worth. Then, I surrendered my life to God via the 700 club and allowed His view of me to become my guiding light. As I look back to where I came from and where I would like to go; I am thankful to God for sowing seeds and using people to catalyze change along my journey. Not only do people and events impact our lives; our own actions and atti tudes can propel us forward or hold us back. Paul understood this concept when he wrote in 2 Timothy 1:7, â€Å"For God gave us a Spirit who produces not timidity, but power, love and self-discipline (CJB).†The epitome of the short, scrawny girl bulliedShow MoreRelatedBiography of Martin Luther King, Jr745 Words  | 3 PagesMartin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was born on in his mothers parents large house on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia. He was the second child, and was first named Michael, after his father. Both changed their names to Martin when the boy was still young. King JR was born into a financially secure family middle class with that, They received better education in respect to most people of their race. King Jr, noticed this and this influenced him to live a life of social protestRead MoreA Short Biography of Martin Luther King Jr.1479 Words  | 6 Pagesspeeches ever delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. He helped to pave the way for civil right in America. His actions inspired a courageous movement that lives on, even today. Alberta Williams and Martin Luther King, Sr., are the parents of Martin Luther King, Jr.; he was born on the 15th of January in 1929, in the city of Atlanta, Georgia.King was the great-grandson, grandson, and son of Baptist ministers, which was why he also became a Baptist minister. At a young age, King became aware of the unequalRead MoreEssay about Biography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.4067 Words  | 17 PagesBiography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968 Nationality: American Occupation: civil rights leader Occupation: minister (religion) Michael King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in the Atlanta home of his maternal grandfather, Adam Daniel Williams (1863  1931). He was the second child and the first son of Michael King Sr. (1897  1984) and Alberta Christine Williams King (1903  1974). Michael Jr. had an older sister, Willie Christine (b. 1927), and a youngerRead MoreA Biography of Martin Luther King Jr. Essay1366 Words  | 6 PagesA Biography of Martin Luther King Jr. I have a dreamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ are the famous words stated by Martin Luther King Jr. on August 28th, 1963 in civil rights movement speech (King). Although King expressed his feelings on that summer day in 1963, his ideas directly reflect his life previous to the speech and have a huge impact on many people even today. Throughout his life, King devoted so much time to the civil rightsRead MoreBiography Of Martin Luther King Jr.2232 Words  | 9 PagesMartin Luther King Jr. once highlighted an important historical reality that is the basis for what justifies freedom fighting: â€Å"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.†This idea is the foundation for Neill Blomkamp’s allegorical film, Elysium, in which two very unequal societies exist: an oppressed people that reside on the deficient, poverty-stricken Earth and the oppressors that reside in a paradisiacal, luxurious space station orbiting the EarthRead MoreBiography Of Martin Luther King Jr.909 Words  | 4 Pages65 Years: Then and Now Society changed 65 years ago to make the world a better place. Martin Luther King Jr. gave an amazing speech on racism and how all society should be treated equal. Know in days, it’s not the same as before. We tend to see a lot of racism whether it’s through TV, articles, or what have now which is social media. Many people have changed their view on equal society and people don’t seem to care what a man with courage once fought for and changed. One of the ways equal societyRead MoreBiography Of Martin Luther King Jr.2204 Words  | 9 Pagesto set things right, they decided to do otherwise; it was through the works of Martin Luther King Jr., that made history and shaped parts of the African American community. Not giving in to the oppression and constant threats change soon took place. King influenced many to take that step and fight for their rights, for at the end of the day they were all human. Made up of the same components and by the same God. King shared his dreams and goals for the African American community through the worksRead MoreInspirational People: Biography of Dr Martin Luther King Jr661 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is often viewed as a symbol of value that the society need to embrace as he led an honest and just life. He inspired individuals by his sermons, speeches and marches to lead a truthful life. This is because he followed his heart to achieve his dream of making the world a better place regardless of ones race. He went to a local public school that was segregated with a keen dedication to learning and achieve his best. He attended Morehouse collegeRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. and Susan B. Anthony’s Effects on The Brunswick Community1035 Words  | 5 Pagesways that affects everyone today. Susan B. Anthony and Martin Luther King Jr. are both amazing leaders of the suffrage and civil rights movements. Anthony with Women’s rights, and King with African American’s rights took Civil Rights as a whole a few great leaps forward; brought forth an era where the Civil Rights Movement is something almost everyone believes in, that equal rights should be something everyone has. In these great leaps forward, King and Anthony have used their influential abilities toRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr.867 Words  | 4 Pagespeople, one of them is Martin Luther King Jr. He made the world a better place for black citizens by doing non-violence movements and marched the way to freedom. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta Georgia as Michael King Jr., but changed his name to Martin Luther King Jr. in honor of Protestant Martin Luther. Through his activism, King played a pivotal role in ending the legal discrimination of African American citizens. During his childhood, Martin Jr.’s father strongly
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