Sunday, March 22, 2020
Imagery Essays (796 words) - Odyssey, Ancient Greek Religion
Imagery TAKE HOME TEST PART IV #5 IMAGERY Imagery is used throughout the Odyssey and the story of Oedipus. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is compared to objects, other people and animals. In the story of Oedipus, Oedipus is compared to riddles and objects. In the Odyssey, Odysseus's adventure brings him through many tragedies and hard time. His name is revealed in the story as being one who suffers. Toward the end of the story he is compared to a lion when he emerges victorious against the suitors and the maids are described as small animals scurrying away from him. He is described missing his wife as a shipwrecked swimmer misses the shore. His wife Penelope is described grappling Odysseus as a swimmer that has finally reached land. Throughout the Odyssey Sleep is used to convince the reader that Odysseus is mortal. When he sleeps something bad happens. Sleep means he is not like the Gods peppered through the story. He is mortal and Gods don't have to sleep. In the story of Oedipus his name is ?swollen feet?. This imagery of swollen feet is the key to his identity. The image of the foot in the riddle of the sphinx is used to describe man and Oedipus. He has 4 feet when he is a young child he has 3 feet when he is old and blind and needs the assistance of a cane and he has two feet when he is at the height of his power. There is curse over Thebes, making the land and women infertile. The image of fertility is given with the Goddess of the earth giving the curse upon the land and women. Throughout both the Odyssey and Oedipus the image of family is used. In the Odyssey lineage is used with Odysseus's father son and himself bringing a sense of family values to the story. In Oedipus the link between him being Husband and son to his wife and mother and father and son to his children also relates to his multiple identities. As well as his family his identities are shifted to being a band of thieves that attacks and kills Laius, his father. Sig ht and blindness versus light and dark also have imagery in the story. Oedipus is blind to the fact that he killed his father and married his mother and is physically blinded when he gouges his eyes. Both of these stories have many examples of imagery. They both have the main characters compared to many different things. Using imagery to get the point across instead of coming right out and saying it. # 3 Culture and Civilization Culture and Civilization play important role in the text we have read. They make the characters act a certain way and make a devise a distinct structure of how characters act and as well as certain procedures to follow. In the Odyssey, It seems nothing can be done without a sacrifice or a prayer to certain Gods or Goddesses. When you are setting out to sea an offering is given or something is burned. When a war is to be waged and victory is wanted an offering must be given. These were standard practices and seem to be a normal thing in this society. This would seem to be a drawback to society having to make these prayers and sacrifices to d anything. Family values are definitely a major thing to consider. The story has Penelope Odysseus's wife and son faithful to him through his long journeys. A great deal of respect and honor is given to leaders and warriors. Odysseus's name is revered. Everyone has seemed to hear of this hero of Troy. In his venture he hides this fact so as to find the true intentions of people. Giving his name would demand honor and respect and without it he will find honesty and the true nature of these strangers. The concept of being nice to strangers is a big deal. They say th at you should be nice to them because you never know when they might be Gods in disguise. This being totally different of what is expected of today's culture. ?Don't talk to strangers.? The state of being fit and healthy has a lot
Thursday, March 5, 2020
How to Write a Conclusion for a Lab Report -
How to Write a Conclusion for a Lab Report How to Write a Conclusion for a Lab Report? Many people lack writing experience in order to perform some written tasks. This especially applies to those who major in some sciences like chemistry, physics, biology or similar – they just have a different set of mind. The problem arises when these people attend a university. It is not a secret that a large number of academic papers are essential components of the educational process, which means that there is no way one can avoid writing papers for college. And even a bigger problem arises when a student has to perform such a complex task as a laboratory project, which requires not only inThere is not a single foolproof way of writing a conclusion in lab report. There are many approaches that can point you in the right direction. Feel free to use this lab report writing guide. Alternatively, take a look at this example of a lab report conclusion for the following experiment:Experiment goal: To create the best environment for fish in the aquariumThe aim is to work out a rel ationship between the water’s temperature and the amount of oxygen dissolved in it (to find the optimal temperature to provide more oxygen for fish in the water). An experiment is set up. Ice and a hot plate are used to alter temperature of water. The amount of dissolved oxygen present in the sample of water is then measured (using a chemical set).Hypothesis: Oxygen levels decrease as the temperature water is increased.Conclusion paragraph: The purpose of this experiment was to measure the effect of altering water temperature on the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. The graph shows such results. The coldest temperature water contained most oxygen in it – about 6.3 mg / L at 10 °C; the warmest temperature water contained least oxygen in it – about 4.9 mg/L at 30 °C. The trend seems to be linear – as the temperature is increased, the amount of available oxygen decreases. This data supports the original hypothesis. In this work, it was difficult t o maintain a stable temperature long enough to test it accurately (the water rapidly warmed up as one went through the oxygen testing procedure). Perhaps future tests could be done more quickly to prevent temperature changes and minimize error. Future experiments could test for other factors that can affect oxygen levels in water. The assumption is that adding plants to the aquarium could affect oxygen levels (when they photosynthesize).This above example is a basic high school trial. But pay heed to how all necessary information regarding the experiment is neatly presented. It is done in such a way that the reader gets a clear understanding of the concept even without reading the rest of the lab report and without being a scientist. This resource includes another sample lab report.Just a few final tips left to share with you: write your paper in the third person, avoid using â€Å"I†or â€Å"we†. Once you have completed your work, read through it again checking fo r any inconsistencies. Make sure you don’t contradict yourself and your conclusion reiterates what you have learned from the experiment show you understand your topic! On your final reading proofread your writing to avoid any grammatical or spelling errors that could lower your overall grade.We hope all above information will help you produce your perfect paper. However, you can also use a professional lab report writing service which is guaranteed to get you a top grade in your discipline.
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