Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Pediatric Cancer Essay examples - 1417 Words
Cancer is a word which evokes many different images and emotions. Nothing in this world can prepare a person for the utter devastation of finding out someone has been diagnosed with cancer, especially when this person is a child. Over the past twenty five years the amount of research and the survival rate for children suffering with cancer have increased dramatically. Despite these successes, the funding for new research necessary to keep these children alive and healthy is miniscule and too dependent on short term grants. Of the billions of dollars spent each year on cancer treatments and research less than a third is contributed to researching pediatric cancer. Given the media focus on adult cancers, research for pediatric cancer is†¦show more content†¦This research is what provides hope for a cancer free future. When it comes to cancer, so much of the world’s knowledge is based on statistics. For example, each day forty-six children, or more than two full classrooms of kids, are diagnosed with cancer and one out of every three hundred thirty people will develop cancer before the age of twenty. The simplest and most important of these statistics is this, â€Å"Cancer is the number one cause of death by disease in children.†Pediatric cancer takes the lives of more people than the number of children who die from asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis and pediatric AIDS combined! About one thousand three hundred and eighty children are expected to die from cancer this year alone. Although the cure rate of children with cancer is steadily increasing for most childhood cancers over the past five years, the number of children who will die is overwhelming and unacceptable. Billions of dollars are spent each year on cancer treatment, but studies and drug development for pediatric cancer remains underfunded. â€Å"Research for children with cancer lags nearly two decades behind their adult counterparts.†New drugs and treatments are rarely funded because many private companies are not able to profit from them. Drug companies are also often reluctant to fund or develop products solely for pediatric cancer because of the liability risk they take when testing drugs on children. Due to the small amount of companies willingShow MoreRelatedPediatric Cancer Is A Scary Concept1874 Words  | 8 Pages Pediatric Cancer is a scary concept. We think as a society that children are innocent and should not have to go through such a deadly and scary adult disease. Unfortunately that is not true. Cancer has no limits or prejudices on what the age, sex, or race of its victim will be. With this paper I want to discuss multiple topics about pediatric cancer . First the statistics, then the treatment options, finally the treatment/prognosis for the family as a whole and not just the patient. There areRead MoreA Research Study On Pediatric Cancer1622 Words  | 7 Pagesdiagnosed with cancer each year. Of those 1,960 will die of the disease in the United States. Nobody should have to go through this in their life time, let alone an infant or child. Kids are suffering each and every second of their lives trying to fight the unbearable, frightening, terrible disease. For many, many years, doctors, researchers and nurses have been working to find cures for pediatric cancers. Progress has been made in treating some cancers but there are still many pediatric cancers, whichRead More Pediatric Cancer Patient Care Essay1368 Words  | 6 PagesThe word â€Å"cancer†is usually perceived by many people in society as a very intimidating disease. This is due to the fact that as a society we either had a family member or someone close to us suffers from it. When a child is first diagnosed with cancer it can be very stressful for both the child and family, so clear communication can aid to alleviate fears, provide reassurance, and comfort. Children diagnosed with cancer will especially require support during this difficult transition becauseRead MoreTaking a Look at Pediatric Cancer3104 Words  | 12 Pagesestablished in the National Cancer Institute, â€Å"Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide for children and adolescents in America, accounting for more than 91,250 children that lose their lives to this disease†(National Cancer Institute). Cancer is not considered a terminal illness, but more of a chronic illness because of the intense treatment that the individual has to endure. As a result of this treatment the chances of survival for children suffering from pediatric cancer has increased around 80Read MorePediatric Cancer Essay1286 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The diagnosis of cancer during childhood and adolescence (defined as age 20 years) is rare, with the United States statistics giving an incidence for young females of 20 cases per 100,000 individuals per year.1 The diagnosis of a gynecologic cancer in this age group is even more rare, with ovarian germ cell tumors (GCTs), ovarian stromal cell carcinomas, and rhabdomyosarcoma of the cervix and vagina being reported as the most common.2 This lecture discusses deviations from the standardRead MoreClinical Trials : Pediatric Cancer1398 Words  | 6 PagesI) Introduction 1. Pediatric cancer 1) Approximately 70% of children diagnosed with cancer in the United States are cured, with a 5-year event-free survival rate of 80%1 2) Pediatric cancer is relatively rare - around 12,000 new cases diagnosed each year in the United States1 3) Pediatric oncology trials typically have high rates of accrual2 1. High accrual must be balanced with ethical treatment2 2. Overall goal is â€Å"optimal recruitment†, which focuses on allowing families to make informed decisions2Read MoreResearch Study on Pediatric Cancer Funding1540 Words  | 6 PagesPediatric cancer funding X Cancer Specialty Center P.O. Drawer C Ft Monroe, VA 24064 March 6, 2013 Mr. Smith Mark, COO X Cancer Specialty Center P.O. Drawer C Ft Monroe, VA 24064 Dear Mr. Smith: With this is a copy of my justification report on the subject of funding and support of research in pediatric cancer and assisting poor parents of children suffering from cancer. This statement is a review of my findings from the most recent year of working in X Cancer Specialty Center, and a separateRead MoreEssay about A Career as a Pediatrician1275 Words  | 6 Pagesand focus in caring for babies to young adults (Career Cruising). They deal with childhood diseases and the care of infants with health and sickness (Elberts). The typical upper age limit of patients is from age twelve to age twenty-one (NetMed Pediatrics). They have to treat their patients as if he or she were going to change the world. Pediatricians complete many tasks in a day’s time. They perform physical exams and order tests that will diagnose diseases and injuries that have occurred. TheyRead MoreChallenges That I Have Overcome764 Words  | 4 Pages Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology and Obstetrics i n a rotation. As it was a government medical college, I came across different types of patients having different socioeconomic backgrounds, who were mostly suffering from preventable and chronic diseases. Sometimes patients showed up with the final stages of cancer and as a doctor, we felt very helpless that time. I saw the sufferings of the cancer patients in the hospitals, especially the female patients and determined to work in cancer biology. MoreoverRead MoreMedical Field That Deals With The Medical Care Of Babies, Children, Adolescents, And Young Adults821 Words  | 4 PagesPediatrics is a medical field that deals with the medical care to babies, children, adolescents, and young adults who are acutely or chronically ill. Pediatricians diagnose their patients with the illness and written prescriptions. Pediatrics was first developed in 1948 when editor Hugh McCulloch made a journal of the vision and objectives of the field. He intended that this field would specialize in ph ysiology, mental, emotional, and social structure of a child. In 1948 Dr. John Enders, Drs. Thomas
Pediatric Cancer Essay examples - 1417 Words
Cancer is a word which evokes many different images and emotions. Nothing in this world can prepare a person for the utter devastation of finding out someone has been diagnosed with cancer, especially when this person is a child. Over the past twenty five years the amount of research and the survival rate for children suffering with cancer have increased dramatically. Despite these successes, the funding for new research necessary to keep these children alive and healthy is miniscule and too dependent on short term grants. Of the billions of dollars spent each year on cancer treatments and research less than a third is contributed to researching pediatric cancer. Given the media focus on adult cancers, research for pediatric cancer is†¦show more content†¦This research is what provides hope for a cancer free future. When it comes to cancer, so much of the world’s knowledge is based on statistics. For example, each day forty-six children, or more than two full classrooms of kids, are diagnosed with cancer and one out of every three hundred thirty people will develop cancer before the age of twenty. The simplest and most important of these statistics is this, â€Å"Cancer is the number one cause of death by disease in children.†Pediatric cancer takes the lives of more people than the number of children who die from asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis and pediatric AIDS combined! About one thousand three hundred and eighty children are expected to die from cancer this year alone. Although the cure rate of children with cancer is steadily increasing for most childhood cancers over the past five years, the number of children who will die is overwhelming and unacceptable. Billions of dollars are spent each year on cancer treatment, but studies and drug development for pediatric cancer remains underfunded. â€Å"Research for children with cancer lags nearly two decades behind their adult counterparts.†New drugs and treatments are rarely funded because many private companies are not able to profit from them. Drug companies are also often reluctant to fund or develop products solely for pediatric cancer because of the liability risk they take when testing drugs on children. Due to the small amount of companies willingShow MoreRelatedPediatric Cancer Is A Scary Concept1874 Words  | 8 Pages Pediatric Cancer is a scary concept. We think as a society that children are innocent and should not have to go through such a deadly and scary adult disease. Unfortunately that is not true. Cancer has no limits or prejudices on what the age, sex, or race of its victim will be. With this paper I want to discuss multiple topics about pediatric cancer . First the statistics, then the treatment options, finally the treatment/prognosis for the family as a whole and not just the patient. There areRead MoreA Research Study On Pediatric Cancer1622 Words  | 7 Pagesdiagnosed with cancer each year. Of those 1,960 will die of the disease in the United States. Nobody should have to go through this in their life time, let alone an infant or child. Kids are suffering each and every second of their lives trying to fight the unbearable, frightening, terrible disease. For many, many years, doctors, researchers and nurses have been working to find cures for pediatric cancers. Progress has been made in treating some cancers but there are still many pediatric cancers, whichRead More Pediatric Cancer Patient Care Essay1368 Words  | 6 PagesThe word â€Å"cancer†is usually perceived by many people in society as a very intimidating disease. This is due to the fact that as a society we either had a family member or someone close to us suffers from it. When a child is first diagnosed with cancer it can be very stressful for both the child and family, so clear communication can aid to alleviate fears, provide reassurance, and comfort. Children diagnosed with cancer will especially require support during this difficult transition becauseRead MoreTaking a Look at Pediatric Cancer3104 Words  | 12 Pagesestablished in the National Cancer Institute, â€Å"Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide for children and adolescents in America, accounting for more than 91,250 children that lose their lives to this disease†(National Cancer Institute). Cancer is not considered a terminal illness, but more of a chronic illness because of the intense treatment that the individual has to endure. As a result of this treatment the chances of survival for children suffering from pediatric cancer has increased around 80Read MorePediatric Cancer Essay1286 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The diagnosis of cancer during childhood and adolescence (defined as age 20 years) is rare, with the United States statistics giving an incidence for young females of 20 cases per 100,000 individuals per year.1 The diagnosis of a gynecologic cancer in this age group is even more rare, with ovarian germ cell tumors (GCTs), ovarian stromal cell carcinomas, and rhabdomyosarcoma of the cervix and vagina being reported as the most common.2 This lecture discusses deviations from the standardRead MoreClinical Trials : Pediatric Cancer1398 Words  | 6 PagesI) Introduction 1. Pediatric cancer 1) Approximately 70% of children diagnosed with cancer in the United States are cured, with a 5-year event-free survival rate of 80%1 2) Pediatric cancer is relatively rare - around 12,000 new cases diagnosed each year in the United States1 3) Pediatric oncology trials typically have high rates of accrual2 1. High accrual must be balanced with ethical treatment2 2. Overall goal is â€Å"optimal recruitment†, which focuses on allowing families to make informed decisions2Read MoreResearch Study on Pediatric Cancer Funding1540 Words  | 6 PagesPediatric cancer funding X Cancer Specialty Center P.O. Drawer C Ft Monroe, VA 24064 March 6, 2013 Mr. Smith Mark, COO X Cancer Specialty Center P.O. Drawer C Ft Monroe, VA 24064 Dear Mr. Smith: With this is a copy of my justification report on the subject of funding and support of research in pediatric cancer and assisting poor parents of children suffering from cancer. This statement is a review of my findings from the most recent year of working in X Cancer Specialty Center, and a separateRead MoreEssay about A Career as a Pediatrician1275 Words  | 6 Pagesand focus in caring for babies to young adults (Career Cruising). They deal with childhood diseases and the care of infants with health and sickness (Elberts). The typical upper age limit of patients is from age twelve to age twenty-one (NetMed Pediatrics). They have to treat their patients as if he or she were going to change the world. Pediatricians complete many tasks in a day’s time. They perform physical exams and order tests that will diagnose diseases and injuries that have occurred. TheyRead MoreChallenges That I Have Overcome764 Words  | 4 Pages Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology and Obstetrics i n a rotation. As it was a government medical college, I came across different types of patients having different socioeconomic backgrounds, who were mostly suffering from preventable and chronic diseases. Sometimes patients showed up with the final stages of cancer and as a doctor, we felt very helpless that time. I saw the sufferings of the cancer patients in the hospitals, especially the female patients and determined to work in cancer biology. MoreoverRead MoreMedical Field That Deals With The Medical Care Of Babies, Children, Adolescents, And Young Adults821 Words  | 4 PagesPediatrics is a medical field that deals with the medical care to babies, children, adolescents, and young adults who are acutely or chronically ill. Pediatricians diagnose their patients with the illness and written prescriptions. Pediatrics was first developed in 1948 when editor Hugh McCulloch made a journal of the vision and objectives of the field. He intended that this field would specialize in ph ysiology, mental, emotional, and social structure of a child. In 1948 Dr. John Enders, Drs. Thomas
Pediatric Cancer Essay examples - 1417 Words
Cancer is a word which evokes many different images and emotions. Nothing in this world can prepare a person for the utter devastation of finding out someone has been diagnosed with cancer, especially when this person is a child. Over the past twenty five years the amount of research and the survival rate for children suffering with cancer have increased dramatically. Despite these successes, the funding for new research necessary to keep these children alive and healthy is miniscule and too dependent on short term grants. Of the billions of dollars spent each year on cancer treatments and research less than a third is contributed to researching pediatric cancer. Given the media focus on adult cancers, research for pediatric cancer is†¦show more content†¦This research is what provides hope for a cancer free future. When it comes to cancer, so much of the world’s knowledge is based on statistics. For example, each day forty-six children, or more than two full classrooms of kids, are diagnosed with cancer and one out of every three hundred thirty people will develop cancer before the age of twenty. The simplest and most important of these statistics is this, â€Å"Cancer is the number one cause of death by disease in children.†Pediatric cancer takes the lives of more people than the number of children who die from asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis and pediatric AIDS combined! About one thousand three hundred and eighty children are expected to die from cancer this year alone. Although the cure rate of children with cancer is steadily increasing for most childhood cancers over the past five years, the number of children who will die is overwhelming and unacceptable. Billions of dollars are spent each year on cancer treatment, but studies and drug development for pediatric cancer remains underfunded. â€Å"Research for children with cancer lags nearly two decades behind their adult counterparts.†New drugs and treatments are rarely funded because many private companies are not able to profit from them. Drug companies are also often reluctant to fund or develop products solely for pediatric cancer because of the liability risk they take when testing drugs on children. Due to the small amount of companies willingShow MoreRelatedPediatric Cancer Is A Scary Concept1874 Words  | 8 Pages Pediatric Cancer is a scary concept. We think as a society that children are innocent and should not have to go through such a deadly and scary adult disease. Unfortunately that is not true. Cancer has no limits or prejudices on what the age, sex, or race of its victim will be. With this paper I want to discuss multiple topics about pediatric cancer . First the statistics, then the treatment options, finally the treatment/prognosis for the family as a whole and not just the patient. There areRead MoreA Research Study On Pediatric Cancer1622 Words  | 7 Pagesdiagnosed with cancer each year. Of those 1,960 will die of the disease in the United States. Nobody should have to go through this in their life time, let alone an infant or child. Kids are suffering each and every second of their lives trying to fight the unbearable, frightening, terrible disease. For many, many years, doctors, researchers and nurses have been working to find cures for pediatric cancers. Progress has been made in treating some cancers but there are still many pediatric cancers, whichRead More Pediatric Cancer Patient Care Essay1368 Words  | 6 PagesThe word â€Å"cancer†is usually perceived by many people in society as a very intimidating disease. This is due to the fact that as a society we either had a family member or someone close to us suffers from it. When a child is first diagnosed with cancer it can be very stressful for both the child and family, so clear communication can aid to alleviate fears, provide reassurance, and comfort. Children diagnosed with cancer will especially require support during this difficult transition becauseRead MoreTaking a Look at Pediatric Cancer3104 Words  | 12 Pagesestablished in the National Cancer Institute, â€Å"Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide for children and adolescents in America, accounting for more than 91,250 children that lose their lives to this disease†(National Cancer Institute). Cancer is not considered a terminal illness, but more of a chronic illness because of the intense treatment that the individual has to endure. As a result of this treatment the chances of survival for children suffering from pediatric cancer has increased around 80Read MorePediatric Cancer Essay1286 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The diagnosis of cancer during childhood and adolescence (defined as age 20 years) is rare, with the United States statistics giving an incidence for young females of 20 cases per 100,000 individuals per year.1 The diagnosis of a gynecologic cancer in this age group is even more rare, with ovarian germ cell tumors (GCTs), ovarian stromal cell carcinomas, and rhabdomyosarcoma of the cervix and vagina being reported as the most common.2 This lecture discusses deviations from the standardRead MoreClinical Trials : Pediatric Cancer1398 Words  | 6 PagesI) Introduction 1. Pediatric cancer 1) Approximately 70% of children diagnosed with cancer in the United States are cured, with a 5-year event-free survival rate of 80%1 2) Pediatric cancer is relatively rare - around 12,000 new cases diagnosed each year in the United States1 3) Pediatric oncology trials typically have high rates of accrual2 1. High accrual must be balanced with ethical treatment2 2. Overall goal is â€Å"optimal recruitment†, which focuses on allowing families to make informed decisions2Read MoreResearch Study on Pediatric Cancer Funding1540 Words  | 6 PagesPediatric cancer funding X Cancer Specialty Center P.O. Drawer C Ft Monroe, VA 24064 March 6, 2013 Mr. Smith Mark, COO X Cancer Specialty Center P.O. Drawer C Ft Monroe, VA 24064 Dear Mr. Smith: With this is a copy of my justification report on the subject of funding and support of research in pediatric cancer and assisting poor parents of children suffering from cancer. This statement is a review of my findings from the most recent year of working in X Cancer Specialty Center, and a separateRead MoreEssay about A Career as a Pediatrician1275 Words  | 6 Pagesand focus in caring for babies to young adults (Career Cruising). They deal with childhood diseases and the care of infants with health and sickness (Elberts). The typical upper age limit of patients is from age twelve to age twenty-one (NetMed Pediatrics). They have to treat their patients as if he or she were going to change the world. Pediatricians complete many tasks in a day’s time. They perform physical exams and order tests that will diagnose diseases and injuries that have occurred. TheyRead MoreChallenges That I Have Overcome764 Words  | 4 Pages Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology and Obstetrics i n a rotation. As it was a government medical college, I came across different types of patients having different socioeconomic backgrounds, who were mostly suffering from preventable and chronic diseases. Sometimes patients showed up with the final stages of cancer and as a doctor, we felt very helpless that time. I saw the sufferings of the cancer patients in the hospitals, especially the female patients and determined to work in cancer biology. MoreoverRead MoreMedical Field That Deals With The Medical Care Of Babies, Children, Adolescents, And Young Adults821 Words  | 4 PagesPediatrics is a medical field that deals with the medical care to babies, children, adolescents, and young adults who are acutely or chronically ill. Pediatricians diagnose their patients with the illness and written prescriptions. Pediatrics was first developed in 1948 when editor Hugh McCulloch made a journal of the vision and objectives of the field. He intended that this field would specialize in ph ysiology, mental, emotional, and social structure of a child. In 1948 Dr. John Enders, Drs. Thomas
Monday, December 16, 2019
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Geography Thematic Essay Samples
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Geography Thematic Essay Samples The perfect eye is extremely important in the characterization of Hopper. You may select a subject that appears to be relevant. There are particular common elements that signal the caliber and value of the essays. Though it has several similarities with other essay types, there are a few crucial differences too. Following such process is a simple method to minimize panic once it comes to thematic essays. Immediately, you start to see the impact that phase has on each element. When it is such a challenging job that's right for you, then you may read our complete guide about writing a process analysis essay. There are various types of essays. At our essay service, they are always delivered in a short time. An essay should tie all paragraphs back to your theme and offer interesting information that could easily educate readers. As an example, compare and contrast essay is quite popular and it's tough to compose it. Two new writers are just about to join the website, and I'm extremely excited for their very first posts. In case you have any questions, you can get in touch with our friendly support team night and day and get immediate assistance. The work exacted will be sufficient to earn leisure delightful, but not sufficient to generate exhaustion. It is critical to identify and disclose the major subject of the studied work. Geography Thematic Essay Samples: No Longer a Mystery Its prerogative is to underline the primary purpose of your research and draw the interest of your readers. Also, you are going to interest the reader and represent your competence in a particular matt er. The reasons could be absolutely different. The remedy to very long paragraphs needs to be brutal. Fortunately, you've come to the perfect place to discover the greatest remedy to every single academic writing problem that you're currently facing with your essay. Before you begin university, here is a list of essential political texts to get ready for your course As philosophical as it's political, Plato's The Republic is among the foundations of western civilisation and fundamental preparatory reading. There is a large number of assignments that could come up, so, an individual ought to be ready. What's more, besides the countless papers on various subjects, you may have a number of other responsibilities which require significant attention. Regardless, you should learn several other necessities if you would like to create an appropriate project. Think of the absolute most critical issues and introduce them. The Fundamentals of Geography Thematic Essay Samples Revealed In such way, you will secure some brilliant suggestions to introduce in your paper and will determine the most suitable theme. Make sure the central theme you analyzed is really the one which you have decided on from the beginning. You ought to be very careful when selecting your themes. Discussion The exhibition produces a demon to the central bit of the conflict. One more thing that's always fantastic to do is to find somebody else to read your paper. There's Absolute location witch is the precise location that something is situated. There's a vignette employed in the scene also. In the front of the video walls it's possible to lay down and relax. The new Regents Exams have to be fair and must accurately assess the wisdom and skills of students. On this page, students will discover guidelines in addition to outlines of prior Regents thematic essays. They must list the tasks that need to be addressed. They are obliged to write this important piece of writing.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Benedick And Beatrices Relatio Essay Example For Students
Benedick And Beatrices Relatio Essay Sometimes, when a man and a woman are interested in each other, they pretend to feelexactly the opposite. They hide their feelings of love inside and act like they absolutelyhate each other. Being too proud to concede their love, they leave themselves vulnerableto rejection by the other one, and they continue the farce. This situation is oftenassociated with relationships that take place during the adolescent stages of peopleslives, but in Much Ado About Nothing these types of goings on take place between amature man and woman. These characters are Benedick and Beatrice. Every time theymet, battles of wit and words begin. Not one kind word was uttered between the two. Their love was never to be realized though, until they both fell victim to underhandedplots devised by their friends. Their odd road to romance was an aspect of the play thatwas very pertinent to the plot and indeed something that would keep the readersattention. The notion that Beatrice was not fond of Benedick was conveyed very early in thefirst act. As news of the arrival of Benedick and company to Messina was announced,Beatrice immediately started to poke fun at him. She inquired as to who he had becomefriendly with and then began to say she knew Benedick to be fickle and have a newsworn friend every time that she sees him. This was the first clue to her distaste and alsolets one see that she had some sort of interaction with Benedick in the past that left herfeeling this way toward him. Soon after this scene, Benedick arrives and almostinstantaneously they began to quarrel with each other. They kept on bickering andarguing, never letting the other get the last word in and never giving up any ground intheir battle. For each, their cunning wit was the weapon of choice. Judging by the waythat they seemed to have been acting, one would guess that there was a genuine hatredbetween the two, but the way that they carried on makes one must think that there wassomething more at hand. It might have clued the reader in to a suppressed sense ofcompetition between the two which could have been brought about by a sense ofinsecurity that each of them possessed. They seemed to always need the approval of theirfriends and could never possibly have given in to one another. This is evident becausetheir quarrels were always in public and neither of them ever wanted to lose those battles. They never seemed to lose the anger that they possessed and always tried to get in the lastword, never conceding to the other at all. They always had be the victor in front of theircompanions. One night while at a masked ball under disguise Benedick goes to ask Beatrice todance with him. She, unknowing that it is he, went on to inquire about the masked mansknowledge of Benedick. She then went on to make fun of him, calling him a jester; anda simple object of amusement to the Prince and all of his company. She lashed out evenmore and said that they did not truly like him at all, and if it had not been for theiramusement by him, he would not be with them. Since Benedick was the man behind themask he was unable defend himself without having given up his identity, which thenwould have created a scene with Beatrice. This was not something that he wanted, whichwas obvious because he did go to her to dance and no one else. He was starting to showthe reader his interest in her and the way he did it under the comfort of the mask assuresthat he would not to be ridiculed by her if she knew if it was him asking her to dance. This proved the insecurity that he possessed. Though Beatric e gave fewer obvious cluesas to her interest in Benedick, one could have guessed that since she always was talkingand thinking about him that she must have possessed some kind of feelings for him. Their feelings were starting to become a little bit more evident as the play unfoldedfurther. It was shown that they interacted frequently and always spoke of the other, evenwhen the other was not around. That was a major clue as to a relationship that mighttranspire between the two apparent enemies. .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 , .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 .postImageUrl , .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 , .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08:hover , .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08:visited , .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08:active { border:0!important; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08:active , .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08 .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5ca4cf7fbdd8c0af1e631233d6ef4c08:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Artificial Intelligence EssayThe friends and companions of both Beatrice and Benedick realized the tensionbetween the two but saw it as playful flirting. Benedick had even told Claudio that hehad seen none fairer; then Beatrice early in the play, which solidified their suspicions. They decide that they will put some effort into finally bringing the two enemies together. The Prince, Leonato, and Claudio set forth to fool Benedick into submitting his love toBeatrice. They found him when he was all alone and then walked along and as he hid,and pretended not to see him. They then spoke of how Beatrice was in love withBenedick, and that it was too bad because Benedick could never love her after all that hehad said. This triggered something inside Benedick that made him realize that he didlove Beatrice and now that he thought that her love of him was out in the open he was nolonger afraid of the ridicule that rejection would have brought about. He was going tochange his ways towards her and express his new found love. Beatrice was the victim ofa similar scheme by her friends Hero and Ursula. They spoke of how Benedicks love ofBeatrice was useless because Beatrice could never love a man after all that she has said. This prompted thoughts in her head similar to those in Benedicks. They both nowthought that it was safe to let down their guard and admit their love. Due to the fact thatboth of them were too insecure to do so at first, they had to be tricked into admitting theirlove and halting the bickering. Though slowly at first, in gradual steps they began toconverse peacefully. Then, though still with some wit in public as to save some face, they begin to become enamored with one another. Trouble did not stay far from this growing relationship though. After Claudiohumiliated Hero at their proposed wedding, by accusing her of sleeping with other men,Hero passed out. Claudio, the Prince, and Benedick all thought that she was dead as thiswas what Leonato told them. Being a strong-headed woman and clearly upset by all ofthis Beatrice ordered Benedick to go against his sworn friends and challenge Claudio to aduel to avenge the death of Hero. Benedick unhappy, but unwilling to lose his love,agrees and challenges Claudio. This shows just how truly in love with Beatrice thatBenedick was. He, just to keep Beatrices love, swore to challenge a man much moreexperienced in battle than himself. Luckily, as the details unfolded and the Prince andClaudio were informed of the trickery that was involved in their being led to believe thatHero was unfaithful, the duel did not take place. The action that Benedick took was notonly a brave one but was a testament to his love for Beatrice. B enedick then proposed tomarry Beatrice in public, and she accepted. The two former enemies were now going tobe joined in holy matrimony. The details of this odd relationship as they unfolded added a very scintillatingpiece to the play. Benedick, seeming too proud to ever admit that he loved anyone, andalso having sworn on numerous occasions against marriage, was to ultimately be ahusband. His fear of being a cuckold in the eyes of his friends was finally put to the sideas he proposed to Beatrice. Beatrice, who once seemed too proud to love, was finally tobe wed to Benedick in spite of having sworn on numerous occasions against men alltogether. Being a woman that prided herself on her wit and her ability to never seemaffected by anything, Beatrice was to now substitute those feelings for ones of lovetoward Benedick. This match was certainly one that was perfect for a play. Twoapparent opposites were drawn together by their hidden affection for one another. Though their love may never have come to be if it were not for the guile of their friends,it eventually developed. This completion should give the reader a sense of happiness andsatisfaction. An emotion which would be shared with the once bitter Beatrice and Benedick.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Lord Tennyson free essay sample
Dark house, by which once more I stand Here in the long unlovely street, Doors, where my heart was used to beat So quickly, waiting for a hand, A hand that can be clasps no more? Behold me, for I cannot sleep, And Like a guilty thing I creep At earliest morning to the door. He is not here; but far away The noise of life begins again, And ghastly thro the drizzling rain On the bald street breaks the blank day. We will write a custom essay sample on Lord Tennyson or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Step One Dark house, by which once more I stand here in the long unlovely street, doors, where my heart was used to beat so quickly, waiting for a hand, a hand that can be clasped o more?Behold me, for I cannot sleep, and like a guilty thing I creep at earliest morning to the door. He is not here; but far away the noise of life begins again, and ghastly through the drizzling rain on the bald street breaks the blank day. Step Two Lets try to make this a little clearer. Dark house (by which once more stand here in the long unlovely street); doors (where my heart was used to beat so quickly, walling for a hand, a hand that can be clasped no more), behold me for I cannot sleep, and like a guilty thing I creep at earliest morning to the door. Vie altered the punctuation too, because the first sentence of the poem seems to have no clear verb. This way the poet is calling to the house (and its doors) to behold him. Look at me here I am In the street, skulking Like a criminal, lonely and miserable! He is not here. But far away the noise of life begins again, and the blank day breaks, ghastly through the drizzling rain, on the bald street. Extension one Notice how Tennyson likes to qualify some of the important nouns in great detail, and hen do the same again to the nouns which occur in his qualification.Thus, the house: House o dark o by which he stands once more o in the street long unlovely Doors o where his heart used to beat so quickly, o where he waited for a hand, that can be clasped no more Extension Two Finally, although it seems to be from so long ago, Just imagine the last verse written like this: He is not here but far away the noise of life begins again and the blank day breaks ghastly through the drizzling rain on the bald street And it could be written yesterday. Perhaps, with some repeats, it could be a song
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