Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Differences Between Hills and Mountains
Differences Between Hills and Mountains Hills and mountains are both natural land formations that rise out of the landscape. Unfortunately, there is no universally accepted standard definition for the height of a mountain or a hill. This can make it difficult to differentiate between the two. Mountain Versus Hill There are characteristics that we typically associate with mountains; for example, most mountains have steep slopes and a well-defined summit while hills tend to be rounded. This, however, is not always the case. Some mountain ranges, such as the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania, are geologically old and are therefore smaller and more rounded than more classic mountains such the Rocky Mountains in the western United States. Even leaders in geography, like the United States Geological Survey (USGS), do not have an exact definition of a mountain and a hill. Instead, the organizations Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) uses broad categories for most land features, including mountains, hills, lakes, and rivers. Though no one can agree on the heights of mountains and hills, there are a few generally accepted characteristics that define each. An Attempt to Define the Height of a Mountain According to the USGS, up until the 1920s the British Ordnance Survey defined a mountain as a geographic feature rising higher than 1000 feet (304 meters). The United States followed suit and defined a mountain as having a local relief higher than 1000 feet. This definition, however, was dropped in the late 1970s. There was even a movie about the battle over mountain and hill. In The Englishman That Went Up a Hill and Down a Mountain (1995, starring Hugh Grant), a Welsh village challenged cartographers attempts to classify their mountain as a hill by adding a pile of rocks to the top. What is a Hill? In general, we think of hills as having a lower elevation than a mountain and a more rounded/mound shape than a distinct peak. Some accepted characteristics of a hill are: A natural mound of earth created either by faulting or erosion.A bump in the landscape, rising gradually from its surroundings.Low altitude and elevation, often less than 984-1968 feet (300-600 meters).A rounded top with no well-defined summit.Often unnamed.Easy to climb. Hills may have once been mountains that were worn down by erosion over many thousands of years. Contrariwise many mountains- such as the Himalayas in Asia- were created by tectonic faults and would have, at one time, been what we might now consider hills. What is a Mountain? Though a mountain is typically taller than a hill, there is no official height designation. An abrupt difference in local topography is often described as a mountain, and such features will often have mount or mountain in their name; examples include Mount Hood, Mount Ranier, and Mount Washington. Some accepted characteristics of a mountain are: A natural mound of earth created by faulting.A very steep rise in the landscape that is often abrupt in comparison to its surroundings.High altitude and elevation, often higher than 1968 feet (600 meters).A steep slope and a defined summit or peak.Often has a name.Depending on the slopes and elevation, mountains can be a challenge to climb. Of course, there are exceptions to these assumptions and some features that would otherwise be called mountains have the word hills in their name. For instance, the Black Hills in South Dakota can also be thought of as a small, isolated mountain range. The highest peak is Harney Peak at 7242 feet of elevation and 2922 feet of prominence from the surrounding landscape. The Black Hills received their name from the Lakota Indians who called the mountains Paha Sapa, or black hills.
Friday, November 22, 2019
5 Reasons You Should Attend Academic Conferences
5 Reasons You Should Attend Academic Conferences 5 Reasons You Should Attend Academic Conferences Remember that scene at the start of The Lion King where animals gather from miles around to celebrate the birth of Simba? That’s pretty much what academic conferences are. The main difference is that academic conferences have scholars in place of animals, cutting-edge research instead of a royal lion cub, and less music by Elton John. Its the one thing academic conferences are missing. [Photo: Heinrich Klaffs] However, in case the tenuous Lion King analogy hasn’t already convinced you to take an interest in academic conferences, we have a few additional factors to consider†¦ 1. New Ideas and Theories The main reason for attending an academic conference is to learn about the latest research in your field. Many researchers present new ideas at conferences, so if you’re looking for an envelope to push, there are worse places to get inspired! 2. Meeting People is Easy We academic types tend to spend a lot of time locked away in labs, libraries and archives, so any opportunity to get out and meet like-minded people has to be welcomed. This is especially important for postgraduate students, as making connections with fellow academics can benefit your long-term career. Even if you’re not thinking that far ahead, academic conferences and workshops provide opportunities to learn from and speak to leading thinkers in your subject area. Which is something any budding intellectual should embrace! 3. Something for Everyone While most conferences are aimed at postgraduate students and professional academics, these days there are conferences for almost everyone. For instance, the Council on Undergraduate Research holds a conference to promote undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity every year, while trade events are held all over the world for those working in specific industries. European International Design Management Conference. [Photo: Wiki4des/Wikimedia] 4. You Don’t Even Have to Leave the House Seen a conference somewhere that seems relevant to your work, but can’t make it along in person? You’ll be happy to hear that most conferences publish a selection of the papers presented, so you can still see what was said by reading the proceedings. 5. Presenting Your Own Work This might not be for everyone, since you can attend conferences as a guest. But giving a presentation at a conference is a great way to get feedback on your work and looks awesome on your resume. You also get to practice your presentation skills, which are essential to academic life.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Religion in the public sector Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Religion in the public sector - Essay Example Therefore, the key question that the author seeks to answer is what religion offers to an organizational motivation, decision-making, and performance. Lawyer Stephen Carcer explains that the morality of a person depends on the person’s religious and spiritual tendencies. Contrary to his beliefs, Michael Lerner argues that spirituality is critical in self-realization and self-learning, that is necessary for the private and professional lives of individuals. These authors however, concur with the logic that institutionalization of spirituality is impossible without defying certain religious focus and locus. They insist that spirituality of an institution solely depends on the collective sacrifice. Moreover, the most important information in this article is spirituality is not exclusively confined or tied to the individual’s religious faith. The Supreme Being, which is the idol in religion, is central in the understanding of spirituality, but spirituality in itself goes far beyond this Supreme Being. The author argues that spirituality is a journey, in which an individual examines his /her life, determines its purpose and meaning, establishes the absolute effect that his/ her life has on the environment, which includes the organization. Therefore, this information is fundamental in distinguishing spirituality as individualistic, whereas religion is institutionalized (Houston & Cartwright, 2007). The key concepts that are required to understand this article are the forms of spiritual and religious expressions that re legally acceptable and politically permissible in the public workplace. The understanding of this article needs the articulate understanding of the rights of individuals as enshrined in the constitution, which outlines the privileges of the employer as well as those of the employee. This further requires the familiarity of the difference between the public and private sectors, with the additional scrutiny that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Integration paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Integration paper - Assignment Example Even though each of the concepts and theories learnt can be testified as transforming my learning in a very tremendous way, two concepts and theories I believe will continue to impact my corporate knowledge about emerging markets forever are the concepts on legal and ethical practices in emerging markets, and the ways in which local emerging businesses can effectively compete with multinational companies. These two concepts and theories are selected generally because they are transcending to both multinational companies and local companies. While learning about legal and ethical practice in emerging markets, I came to appreciate the kind of power and authority that the consumer in these emerging markets have as far as the command that they can have on the market is concerned. This is because for all this while, I thought that because most multinational companies that went to these emerging markets were from developed countries, they would go and influence the local people directly with their foreign ethics and culture. However, I have now come to appreciate the fact that culture and ethics are important concepts that establish the identities of people and so local consumers would not just allow the influx of foreign and strange ethics and legal practices to overtake what they have practiced for long. For multinational companies that are poised for success, the essential role that they can play is to admit a sense of readiness to comply by local ethical and legal standards. This is because with the ethical and legal inc lination that the local people have, they form a social hub, which is not easy to penetrate or break apart. Multinational companies must therefore see themselves as part of social network, where they are the ones who have to comply with set standards. The concept of competitions between local companies and multinational companies was
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Shylock Is a Jew in a Predominantly Christian Society Just as Othello Is… Essay Example for Free
Shylock Is a Jew in a Predominantly Christian Society Just as Othello Is†¦ Essay Question: ‘Shylock is a Jew in a predominantly Christian society just as Othello is†¦living in a predominantly white society. But unlike Othello, Shylock rejects the Christian community as firmly as it rejects him. ’ (W. H. Auden, ‘The Dyer’s Hand’, 1963. Quoted in ‘Shakespeare’s Comedies’, edited by Lerner, Penguin 1967. ) In light of the above quotation, compare and contrast Shakespeare’s presentation of prejudice, considering how audiences of different periods might react to it. (2000 words) Shylock’s presentation of prejudice has been received in immeasurably different ways by audiences of different generations, and the portrayal of the attitudes of Shylock and Othello towards their intolerant societies are ones that still arguably offer a valuable view towards prejudice in our present-day societies. ‘Shylock is a Jew’. Four words from the above quotation which arguably encapsulate the main running theme throughout the whole of The Merchant of Venice. From a Venetian viewpoint, Shylock is a Jew; therefore he is different; therefore we will exclude him. Shakespeare shows this through many different examples, from the racist views expressed by ‘good Antonio’, to the expressions used by the high courts of Venice; the Christian community expressing a certain divide and prejudice towards Shylock and the Jewish minority. This ‘rejection’ of the Jews is notably explored in the views expressed by Antonio early on in the play, when the loan of ‘three thousand ducats’ is negotiated. Bassanio attempts to convince Shylock through kind words and offers of dinner- the ‘Christian’ way of kindness; possibly the only instance of kindness offered to Shylock throughout the entire play. However, as soon as Antonio enters, the tone changes; Shylock goes from being referred to as ‘sir’ by Bassanio to ‘The devil’ by Antonio. Antonio would ‘spit on thee again’, and this particular example highlights that, despite the fact Antonio is attempting to receive a loan from Shylock, prejudice is still inherent in his every word and action. The Christian community ‘rejects’ Shylock, no matter what he may do of benefit to them; and, as a result, is rejected in like. The harsh treatment Shylock receives (such as curfew and a barrage of cuss-words) is reflected in the way that he ‘rejects the Christian community as firmly as it rejects him’; for example, when offered dinner, Shylock launches into an expletive, hate-fuelled speech about Christianity, claiming that pork is ‘the habitation which your prophet the Nazarite conjured the devil into’, and firmly stating that he ‘will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you’. Shylock is rejecting the Christian community with every moral fibre in his body, and seems to only take the bond of Antonio to hold some kind of leverage above him, namely the term of ‘the forfeit/ Be nominated for an equal pound/ Of your fair flesh’; a foolishly agreed term that is taken full advantage of. Shylock is treated harshly, and as a result takes full advantage of the fact that legally he can kill Antonio; thus rejecting the Christian community. Othello, however, is the polar opposite of Shylock’s ‘stand-alone’ attitude; though being the outsider ‘in a predominantly white society’, he attempts to fit in, and be loved by the aristocratic Venetians. Shakespeare presents the prejudice inherent in Venetian society in a slightly different way; though Shylock and Othello both are used by the ‘majorities’, and thrown out when not needed, Shakespeare presents a play that explores the prejudice through a different angle. Othello is the war-hardy soldier needed by the whole of Venetian society to fight the Turkish aggressors, who angers Venetian society by taking a white woman; Shylock is a Jew whose possessions are needed by Antonio alone, who angers Venetian society by daring to claim what is rightfully his. In Othello the audience receives an impression that, though Iago is manoeuvring everybody towards his own aims, Othello is clearly in the wrong when murdering his wife; therefore he is rejected by the ‘society’, and this is morally ‘right’. In The Merchant of Venice the audience feels that, actually, Shylock is morally wronged by the Christians; and this rejection by society leaves a bitter taste. An audience in Elizabethan times would have been left with (in both plays) a feeling of discontentment in the treatment of the two key characters; despite the obvious inherent prejudice in society at this time towards ‘moors’ and Jews, Shakespeare’s manipulations of stereotypes in his works (e. g.the ‘kind’, Christian Antonio is an oppressive character who almost gets his comeuppance) were aimed to alter (or at least make the audience question) their views on minorities. Shakespeare’s portrayal of Shylock can easily be seen as a plea for tolerance towards the Jewish community in England at the time. For example, Shylock’s famous ‘If you prick us, do we not bleed? ’ speech is designed to throw a human perspective on the matter; that the ‘Jews’- peoples that have been so discriminated against that any racism against Jews has its own nametag are human too. Shylock’s most memorable speech is a cry for humanity and equality, which has resounded down the ages. As Alexander Granach (a German actor who portrayed Shylock in the 1920s) in his autobiography ‘From the Shtetl to the Stage: The Odyssey of a Wandering Actor’ writes; Shakespeare ‘gave Shylock human greatness and spiritual strength and a great lonelinessthings that turn Antonios gay, singing, sponging, money-borrowing, girl-stealing, marriage-contriving circle into petty idlers and sneak thieves. ’ This will undoubtedly have had a slight effect on the audience, showing them that the supposed ‘villain’ of the piece is simply following a twisted, unmerciful version of the ‘Golden Rule’, an ethic of reciprocity that is cited in Christianity; ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. In this play, Shylock is indeed doing ‘unto others’ how they do unto him. Shylock’s actions, instead of being a stereotypical cruel, vengeful Jew who only cares about his ‘diamond gone (that) cost me two thousand ducats’, are transformed by Shakespeare into an often-misinterpreted statement about the hypocrisy inherent in both society and religion at this time. Shakespeare’s magic lies in the fact that he managed to change two persecuted minorities, who prior to being dramatically personified by Shakespeare had been held up in plays as mockeries of creatures, to human beings with the emotional capacity to feel love and hate. Othello is no longer a ‘black ram’ held up by Iago as crudely ‘topping (the) white ewe’, he has become a symbol of the outsider used for other’s purposes. In Othello’s doing of ‘ta’en’ of Desdemona, he turns Venetian society against him, and is only needed for the purposes of defeating the Ottomans. 300 years on, and this example is still relevant; Paul Robinson, a black actor who went on to portray Othello on Broadway in 1943, drew comparisons between Othello’s situation and the situation of a coloured man in America in the 1930s; ‘while (Othello) could be valuable as a fighter he was tolerated, just as a negro who could save New York from a disaster would become a great man overnight†¦however, as soon as Othello wanted a white woman†¦everything was changed, just as New York would be indignant if their coloured man married a white woman’. In this way, Shakespeare’s portrayal of minorities is relevant for all societies where ethnical persecution takes place, no matter what the time period. However, Shakespeare’s underlying meaning of equality has been twisted. David H. Lawrence famously quoted ‘Never trust the artist, trust the tale’; and indeed, this ha what happened with Shakespeare’s intentions for Shylock and the grim reality. For example, the character of Shylock was used in anti-semetic propaganda by Hitler in Nazi Germany to promote the scapegoating of the Jews; Shylock is held up by a local newspaper in Konigsberg, Germany in 1935 as ‘cowardly and malicious’ when ‘properly understood’, a line that undermines both the intelligence and self-esteem of local people upon reading (in that they did not read enough into the play), and the true meaning of The Merchant of Venice. Upon saying that the deeper meaning is that Shylock is cowardly and malicious, they are mistaking the shallow, surface meaning for a deeper one. As Harold Bloom commented in 1999, ‘It would have been better for the Jewish people had Shakespeare never written this play’; here, Bloom is obviously commenting on the fact that people only took away the shallow meaning, not the deeper, politically-charged (for the times) meaning that Shakespeare is attempting to convey. In a manner seemingly parallel to that of Nazi Germany, Shakespeare’s messages are being sorely misunderstood even nowadays. Shakespeare and his plays (in present-day, less inherently racist society) are being taken away from younger generations, such as in British schools whose teaching is becoming impeded by the P.C nature of today’s ‘Big Society’. Texts and plays key to British education (such as ‘Of Mice and Men’ and ‘Othello’) are being considered to blatent in their language (eg. ‘whore’, ‘moor’) to be studied at an age of 15/16; in an age when arguably the anti-racist messages of Shakespeare need to be implemented. In this way, whilst previous generations of audiences may have held up Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ and ‘Merchant of Venice’ as examples of injustice and hypocrisy, today’s audiences are holding them up as too blatent in their use of ‘inappropriate language’. Shakespeare’s messages of equality are, once again, being misunderstood; especially if people do not understand the messages that ‘the Great Bard’ is attempting to convey. For example, in 2008, nine students at the Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School (a Jewish comprehensive school) in Hackney in East London refused to sit an exam on ‘The Tempest’ purely because they felt that Shakespeare was anti-semetic owing to his severely-misunderstood portrayal of Shylock. Othello has also often been held up and received down the centuries as purely a negative stereotype; even as recently as 2008. Robert Fisk writes in ‘The Guardian’ that ‘Othello was a Moor, a black Muslim, a mercenary (in the service of Venice) – and a wife killer’. One can assume that this is how he would have been viewed in most predominantly-white countries up until the fall of racism and the increase of diversity; thus missing the fact that Iago is both the catalyst and trouble-starter. The mannerisms and attitudes of the characters provide a key insight into the prejudices inherent in society, through both the actions and thought-processes provided by Shakespeare. For example, Othello almost unconsciously uses racist terms to describe himself, providing a derogatory edge to his words. This is shown best in the soliloquys given to Othello, especially when he doubts the good nature of Desdemona; he feels that his ‘name, that was as fresh As Dians visage, is now begrimed and black, As mine own face’, i. e. that his previously good nature is now smeared. However, Othello associates his own face as ‘begrimed and black’, in that he sees his very self as something dirty- and that white (i. e. ‘Dian’s visage’, a marble-white Greek goddess) as something good, clean, and pure. Othello appears to have internalised the racist ideologies preached by Venetians such as Brabantio, and this especially comes to heed in the murder of Desdemona. Seeds planted by Iago act as a catalyst to the problem put in the open by Brabantio at the start of the play; that Desdemona would never ‘Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom Of such a thing as thou’. This, ultimately, is something that the entire play relies on; this comment, made in the heat of the moment by Brabantio, ultimately delivers death unto his daughter. Othello begins to doubt Desdemona’s love and honour due to the fact that he has internalised such racist opinions as ‘blacks and whites should not mix’, and is driven crazy by this. As already mentioned, Robert Fisk spoke of the ways in which Othello would have been viewed; not as somebody noble, but as somebody ‘different’, and (though many in the Elizabethan audience may have been able to sympathise with the beating of Desdemona) a ‘wife killer’; and indeed, this is a way in which some still see him today. Shakespeare, just like Othello and Shylock, lived in a predominantly white and Christian society, and recognised the prejudices inherent in English society; indeed, his plays reflected society. However, as Chung-hsuan Tung wrote, ‘Shakespeare recognizes the existence of racial differences but he is not a racist. Shakespeare is†¦an impartial, humanitarian dramatist preaching interracial liberty, equality, and fraternity. ’ Bibliography. Alexander Granach ‘From the Shtetl to the Stage: The Odyssey of a Wandering Actor’ Paul Robinson – ‘My Fight for Fame; How Shakespeare Paved My Way to Stardom’ The Merchant of Venice, Edited by John Russell Brown, ‘the Arden Shakespeare’, 2007 Othello, edited by E. A. J. Honigman, ‘the Arden Shakespeare’, 1997 John Gross – ‘Shylock: A legend and its Legacy’ Robert Fisk – ‘Offended by Shakespeare? Let’s ban him. ’ Guardian, 8th March 2008. Harold Bloom ‘It would have been better for the Jewish people had Shakespeare never written this play’, 1999. Chung hsuan-Tung – ‘The Jew and the Moor: Shakespeare’s Racial Vision’, 2008.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
Xessorilic!ous Introduction: Accessories an essential part of all brands in the shop, it creates personal look and determine the women's character. girls adore new fashion and surf on the web site. Xessorilicious is a way of communicating with world of fashion. Executive Summary Our business about women's fashion accessories. The location of our booth is strategic; it is in business beside opposite of the cafeteria. The product that we have sold are necklaces, bracelet, anklets, and earrings . We will need capital of 3000 AED. It will come with outcome of big profit and affordable fascinated products. Business Description We started our project collecting information about suppliers who allow us to take a look of their accessories, so that we can take a decision whether it is suitable for us or not. Later on we found a woman who allow us to take a look of what she have and took an appointment with her. After searching several days, we have found exactly what we are looking for.The woman was delighted to purchase them immediately. Team Leader : Moaza Mohammad Khadem. Contact number: 050-5480459. Email address: s200222371@hct.ac.ae. Mission Statement Every woman has a way to shine, and try to find her own way to learn. In order to get elegance, there is the big obsession with perfection. Fashion accessories Is no longer seen as additions, but our jewelry proven itself. Goals and Objective We got objective for our business which is measurable and achievable. Accessories was chosen for the huge acceptable in the market by the ladies, easiness to get it and availability of all kinds and shapes and colors. (See Appendix 5 ) Summary : We have worked hard over 3 consecutive days and we have sold more than half ... ... were taught new thing they add it in their entity. Financial Projections a- Financial Statements b- Sales Forecast (Please see Appendix-3 for Layout Schematic) Loan or Investment Proposal For our business we need the money to buy the things and for the expenses (Rent for the booth , decoration , insurance ). However the amount of the expenses is AED 1,150 and the buying cost for our product AED 3,350.The Source of fund Personal savings each one of our group paid the same amount as the budget that we bought it for our business. We are 4 student each of us paid AED 1,125 the total amount is AED 4,500. Conclusion: In conclusion, after this perfect experience we have held a meeting with the group and decided to donate our bazaar profit to Friends of Cancer Patients, (FOCP) is one of the leading cancer organizations in the UAE. References:
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Human Resources JDT2 Essay
Summary: Based on recent quality testing on the toys manufactured for elementary school aged children, it has been noted that the metal whistles contain an amount of lead that is over the United States legally acceptable limit for children age 7 and under. A large shipment is packaged and scheduled to depart at the end of the week. The whistles were manufactured under our company name and at our own warehouse facility. Decision Alternatives: Alternate Process In creating the following possible decision scenarios, the well-being of this company is a massive concern to everyone when a situation such as this arises. The outcome from any decisions made not only effect the consumer of the product, but also the Toy Company, it’s employees, stakeholders, and future customers based on the reputation of the company. In order to determine the best decision, without favoritism, a decision model (7 step decision making process) has been used to guide each deciding deliberation. Therefore, understand that all possible alternatives have been researched and only the best three possible solutions have been included for review. Decision Alternatives: Alternate Advantages and Disadvantages Explain Decision Model or Process Used for Each Advantages Disadvantages Financial considerations Legal considerations Ethical considerations Contact the South American Ministry of Education 7 step decision model, shown above. Allow product receiver to make decision Contamination of company reputation. 50/50 chance of increased reproduction cost. Release of legal obligations once South American Ministry accepts product. The possible subjection of harm to innocent children is simply unethical. Reproduce Contaminated Toy 7 step decision model, shown above. Maintain higher level of satisfaction. Increased costs of reproduction, product delivery late. Approximate cost of $100,000 will be incurred. Maintained federal requirements even outside of geographical requirements. Providing safe products to all children. Ship Product As Is 7 step decision model, shown above. Lowered costs. Potential harm to innocent children Possible litigation cost if families choose to enact a class action. Possible litigation and class action suit The subjection of harm to innocent children is simply unethical. Decision Alternatives: Alternate Considerations 1. Contact the South American Ministry of Education This decision will allow for the receiver of the product to determine for themselves if in fact the shipment is not acceptable and needs replaced. Each government has developed their own criteria of quality control aspects, and should be respected in their own research and limitations of product quality. Within this decision the possibility of the cost of reproduction has a weighing chance of a 50/50 percentage based on the request of the South American Ministry of Education. Also, the informing of and accepting of the product as is will place no further legal obligations on the toy company. 2. Reproduce Contaminated Toy Within the borders of the United States of America, this is the only acceptable decision to be made. The lead amounts found are above the legal limits and should by all considerations be destroyed and reproduced under the proper legal lead limit guidelines produced by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. The cost of this reproduction will fall solely on the shoulders of the company. The approximate cost to be incurred is $100,000. Also, in the making of this decision the Toy Company will be required to contact and inform the consumer of the production issue and the steps being taken to remedy the issue. The consumer may in turn be upset at the delay and remove their business from our company or may find our honesty in the situation to be respectable and assist in promoting our company due to highly ethical character display. 3. Ship Product As Is The guidelines for lead contamination are much more detailed within the United States than that of most regions. The product could easily be shipped and arrive on time for the opening of school in the South American region expected to receive the whistles. The product information would be included in the packaging, leaving the decision for a return of the product to be determined on the chance someone will notice the lead limits information. This choice could possibly rid the company of any further expenses. However, this leaves to chance the harming of many children, the legal allegations that can be brought up by the South American Ministry of Education, and the extreme tarnish of the company’s reputation within the United States and as a worldwide supplier of children’s products. During the narrowing of possible decisions to be established, a system of steps was utilized to enable a criterion for selecting the best possible outcomes. Each of the previous actions stated posse a decision between respect, ethical behavior, or financial consideration. As a whole each of these three actions must be carefully considered as a possible benefit to the company, as well as a possible strike against the reputation that has been so carefully created through producing top quality products for children all over the world. Alternative Recommendation: Recommendation Justification Of the three best available choices the superior choice would be the Reproduction of the Product. The reasoning in this decision is: Legal Aspect: Although as a company legal retaliation could be avoided if the consumer accepted the product as is after being fully informed, the families of the children involved will still have the legal right to produce a class action claiming Product Liability on the part of the company for allowing the acceptance of the product by the South American Ministry of Education. Under Product Liability when individuals are harmed by an unsafe product, they may have a Cause of Action against the persons who designed, manufactured, sold, or furnished that product. West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. (2008) Financial Aspect: The reproducing of the product will initially cost the company approximately $100,000. This by all considerations is a financial blow to any company; however, if you consider the alternative cost of ongoing litigation and a class action pay-out, $100,000 seems rather insufficient. Also consider the possible benefit from this loss of monies; not only will the children involved not be affected negatively by a product produce in the land of the free, but the word will quickly spread about the companies quick action plan to resolve an issue for the safety of their consumer, before being forced to do so by the courts. In addition to the consideration of time, effort, and the expense of recovery, an effective plan to recover from the loss incurred on the reproduction of the product there are a few majors concerns that will be on the front line of significance; Brand Protection: The importance of brand protection is only outweighed by the health and safety concerns of the consumer. Cost recovery is a secondary concern. (Belcastro & Alfonso, 2011) Supplier relationships. Supplier issues that may make cost recovery difficult include difficulties in tracking supplier contracts or supplier insurance documentation and preservation of supplier business relationships. (Belcastro & Alfonso, 2011) Ethical Aspect: For a moment let us look at this situation from the consumer’s side. Would we as parents want the toy company we trust to first consider our children before their personal gain? I would assume anyone would agree that a child should never be subjected to the cruelty of mass production oversight in the products that will be utilized to teach them, care for them, feed them, or protect them. As a company the media would portray any action less than replacement of the product as a grotesque display of unethical and malice behavior. All businesses, small and large, have an ethical obligation to their consumers, first of all to provide the product purchased and then to not harm anyone-including the consumer. (Gray, 2011) Product safety is an ethical obligation to the extent that companies have a duty to provide consumers with whatever it is they pay for and products are assumed to be safe for ordinary use. (Gray, 2011) Alternative Recommendation: Recommendation Ana lysis Overall, the purpose behind any decision that focuses on an issue that requires action on the part of the company is the ethical obligation the company has, not only to the consumer of the product but also to the employee that we depend on to produce the product, the children for which the product is purchased, and the Board of decision makers for the company and the general public that will recommend our product or company to others based on previous experiences. By providing a less than optimal product, we as a company, say that it is acceptable to lessen our value when the product is for children outside of the United States; this is not an acceptable way of thinking, nor an acceptable reputation of the company and its stakeholders. Moving forward on the remanufacturing of the whistle-even though it is a costly choice-will show for the value the company holds in their customers and the general population of consumers. Displaying a behavior of ethical decision practices will develop a stronger relationship between consumer and producer. This behavior can also produce a chain reaction of ethical revisions in other company actions. In current business the dollar comes before the consumer-making a move to be above the competition will place the company above others in their guarantee to produce only the best. Alternative Recommendation: Social Responsibility The remanufacturing of the product will display this company as being of the utmost ethical level in protecting its consumers even though the consumer is not on the American soil. Placing consideration in the safety and well-being of children of all aspects of geographical location, financial status, and nationality shows American and foreign manufacturing companies that the dollars involved do not come before that of the safety of the people that depend on our moral stature as a producer of children’s toys. By maintaining the same standards internationally as we would within the American borders, with our products we can inevitably lessen the boundaries between product and consumer all over the world. The ground floor for a decision has been laid for all involved in the determination of an appropriate action in this case. Based on the information provided here, it is desired that a decision based on the good of all mankind-both producer and consumer will be in consideratio n in the deciding of the steps to follow. The American people base much of their perception of a company on its viewpoint to the greater good to humanity; this should what is seen in the products we supply. References: Belcastro, Denny and Alfonso, Bert, October 2011, Capturing Recall Costs Measuring and Recovering the Losses Retrieved on December 27, 2013, http://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/Capturing_Recall_Costs/$FILE/Capturing_recall_costs.pdf. Gray, JW, May 16, 2011, Moral Issues Related to Consumers, retrieved from: http://ethicalrealism.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/moral-issues-related-to-consumers/ Product Liability. (n.d.) West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. (2008). Retrieved December 27 2013 from http://legal- dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Product+Liability
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ralston Valley Volunteer Fire Department Essay
Question 1: One of Rick Wyatt’s promotion objectives should be to build awareness. The text brought out that many citizens of Ralston Valley were unaware of the presence of volunteer fire fighters, assuming a paid staff was always on hand. By making people conscious of this social service, he can develop interest in his target audience of young, healthy men and women possessing the quality of commitment. Another objective of Wyatt’s is to arouse demand. In this objective, Rick should aim to establish customer value, giving his audience a solid reason to participate in the volunteer firefighter program. Fulfilling this objective will enable the Volunteer Fire Department to gain new recruits. Rick Wyatt’s third objective should be to emphasize and reinforce the RVVFD brand. This objective takes the customer value established in objective two to recruit new members, retain current members, and build relationships. Question 2: To achieve his promotional Objectives, Rick Wyatt can start by having a societal marketing Orientation. This orientation will communicate to his audience that the RVVFD is supplying the town with needed firefighters, and is concerned about the welfare of the community. To accomplish the objective to build awareness, Wyatt needs to advertise. Due to limited funding, the cheapest and most effective advertising is word-of-mouth. Rick was recruited by his friend, a RVVFD volunteer, telling him about his role in the organization. Rick can ask his fellow members to take opportunities throughout the day to tell family, friends, and associates of what they do. Along with word of mouth advertising, he can also incorporate the internet to blog about his experiences. After building awareness of the service, and providing information, he can begin to stimulate demand. Rick can take advantage of the annual activities, and incorporate small, charismatic speeches, stating what the company has achieved, and its need for community participation. Lastly, to emphasize the RVVFD brand, the promotions need to leave a lasting effect in the heart of his audience. This will build a relationship of trust to his audience. Rick needs to clearly state the Fire Department’s Mission statement. It would also be wise to point out the requirements needed to needed to fulfill the job, and instill confidence that average everyday citizens can meet those requirements by pointing out that the force is comprised of lawyers as well as stay-at-home moms. This final stage will be ideal to retain current members, and also reaching out to new members, while establishing a good reputation that build loyalty.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Glenn T. Seaborg Biography
Glenn T. Seaborg Biography Glenn Seaborg was a scientist who discovered several elements and won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Seaborg was one of the great pioneers of nuclear chemistry in the United States. He was responsible for the actinide concept of heavy element electronic structure. He is credited as co-discoverer of plutonium and other elements up to element 102. One interesting bit of trivia about Glenn Seaborg is that he may have achieved what the alchemists could not: turn lead into gold! Some reports indicate the scientist transmuted lead into gold (by way of bismuth) in 1980. Seaborg was born on April 19, 1912 in Ishpeming, Michigan, and died on February 25, 1999 in Layfayette, California at age 86. Seaborgs Notable Awards 1951 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Edwin McMillan for research with transuranic elements.Between 1946 and 1958, his team added ten new elements to the periodic table.Appointed chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission (1961-1971). President of American Chemical Society in 1976.Element 106 was renamed seaborgium in his honor. There was controversy over the element name, as it was issued while Seaborg was still alive.Co-author of approximately 500 scientific articles and many books.Seaborg held over 40 patents, including the only patents ever granted for making chemical elements (curium and americium). Early Nuclear Chemistry and New Element Group - Actinides In February 1941, Seaborg with Edwin McMillan produced and chemically identified the existence of plutonium. He joined the Manhattan Project later that year and started work on the investigation of transuranium elements and better ways to extract plutonium from uranium. After the end of the war, Seaborg moved back to Berkeley where he came up with the idea of the actinide group, to position higher numbered elements in the periodic table of the elements. Over the next twelve years, his group discovered elements 97-102. The actinide group is a set of transition metals with properties similar to each other. The modern periodic table places the lanthanides (another subset of transition metals) and actinides below the body of the periodic table, yet in line with the transition metals. Cold War Applications of Nuclear Materials Seaborg was appointed chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission in 1961 and held the position for the next ten years, serving three presidents. He used this position to champion the peaceful use of atomic materials such as for medical diagnosis and treatments, carbon dating, and nuclear power. He was also involved in the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Glenn Seaborg Quotes The Lawrence Berkeley Lab recorded several of Seaborgs most famous quotes. Here are some favorites: In a quote regarding education, which was printed in the New York Times: The education of young people in science is at least as important, maybe more so, than the research itself. In a comment about the discovery of the element plutonium (1941): I was a 28-year-old kid and I didnt stop to ruminate about it, he told the Associated Press in a 1947 interview. I didnt think, My God, weve changed the history of the world! On being a graduate student at Berkeley (1934) and competing with other students: Surrounded by dazzlingly bright students, I was uncertain I could make the grade. But taking heart in Edisons dictum that genius is 99 per cent perspiration, I discovered a pedestrian secret of success. I could work harder than most of them. Additional Biographical Data Full Name: Glenn Theodore Seaborg Field of Expertise: Nuclear Chemistry Nationality: United States High School: Jordan High School in Los Angeles Alma Mater: UCLA and University of California, Berkeley
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Create Awesome Internal Company Newsletters That Get Read
How to Create Awesome Internal Company Newsletters That Get Read Internal newsletters are important tools for keeping teams informed company-wide. This is especially true for larger organizations where teams may be in silos. Team members rely on these emails to know whats happening around the business. However, making them engaging isn’t easy. People already spend too much time in their inbox. How can you convince them to read one more email? It takes careful planning, consistent execution, and an understanding of what your coworkers want to read. Fortunately, thats exactly what this post will cover (and more). This complete step-by-step guide will turn tired internal communications into invaluable insights that make an impact. Table of Contents: Free Email Newsletter + Calendar Template What Is An Internal Newsletter? Why Do You Need a Newsletter? Determine Who Will Get Your Newsletter Planning Newsletter Content: 20 Ideas Anyone Can Use Nail Your Content Strategy How to Write the Best Newsletter Possible Newsletter Best Practices Design Examples Planning Your Distribution Frequency Measuring Impact Managing Newsletters With How to Create Awesome Internal Company Newsletters That Actually Get Read via @ What Exactly Is An Internal Newsletter? It’s an email (or printed publication) that rounds up news, announcements, and other pertinent information that’s important for staff to know. This post will focus on creating and distributing them via email. Your company’s internal news emails don’t have to look much different than one you’d send to customers. Newsletter Examples to Inspire Your Own: Invision Email Digest Example 8 Best Email Newsletter Examples of 2018 from Brafton 15 Email Newsletters We Love Getting in our Inboxes from Hubspot 8 of the Best Email Newsletter Examples to Show You How It’s Done from SendInBlue The 40 Best Newsletter Examples from Newsletter2GoNeed newsletter examples to inspire your own? Find 'em here: Why Does My Company Need a Newsletter? You might be wondering, â€Å"Shouldn’t I be spending my time marketing to customers instead?†If you’re a marketer, that sentiment is understandable. But, ignore internal communications at your own peril. There are tons of benefits behind having a well-coordinated newsletter. Here are several to consider: Keeping everyone informed on important changes. No one likes feeling out of the loop. Creating clarity between disparate teams. Showing what different teams are accomplishing cultivates understanding between groups that don’t usually work together. Putting an end to multiple, endless email threads. Instead of news being sent out piecemeal through multiple email threads, you can just send one awesome email. Encouraging social advocacy. Including things coworkers can share on social makes it easier for them to become social advocates. Ensuring important messages don’t get lost. Tools like Slack and Hipchat are great, but it can be hit-or-miss whether your messages get seen there or not. Gives staff info they can share with their friends and family. Reinforces transparency. Sharing information helps show the company cares about being open and honest. Prevents people from saying â€Å"I didn’t get the memo.†If your newsletter becomes habit-forming, they’ll always be in the know.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Reconstruction after the American Civil War Article
Reconstruction after the American Civil War - Article Example After the bloody American civil war, the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment articles were guarded in the U.S constitution and aimed to offer all Americans an equal opportunity in society. During this period, African Americans were permitted to vote, look for their own employment, utilize public facilities, get the lands of former owners, and actively engage in politics. However, some people opposed these move and rallied against the freedmen. Despite the opposition, aggressive and rapid amendments were made to the constitution which laid a strong foundation for the most aggressive and radical stage of the reconstruction process. The success of reconstruction was evident by 1870 in that former slaves attained equal rights like other people in society. For instance, they were in a position to get an education and vote. It is significant to note that during the era of reconstruction, most Southern States created public education for its residents but financing was variable (Foner, 2012). The efforts of reconstruction were rolled back in 1873 until 1877 when the conservative white gained power or authority via the former Confederacy. For instance, President Hayes removed federal troops, which led to the collapse of the three Republican governments. Via the implementation of racial policies known as the Jim Crow, the conservative whites introduced racial biases and segregation, which remained in the South until the late 1960s. Initially, Republicans agreed that slavery, all acts related to slavery had to be destroyed, and the structure of Confederate nationalism had to be abandoned and suppressed. It is also important to note that white men who were in power abandoned succession and slavery but regained the issue of white supremacy (Foner, 2012). During reconstruction period, new spending on infrastructure, schools in addition to corrupted spending, and the failure of the state credit because of unreasonable spending, made the southern states to raise t ax on property. These measures were wasteful as the money meant for social amenities such as schools and development of infrastructure was embezzled. Historians provide distinct reasons as the efforts of reconstruction after the bloody civil war failed. Despite the fact that reconstruction reestablished the economy of the South, it failed. Although slavery practices in the U.S ended, sharecropping was a brutal sequence almost as awful. This is because the freed people would participate into this and barely get anything to survive. Another reason as to why reconstruction failed in the U.S is that the ability of the South to go back to previous or initial animosity or hatred with the African Americans or black tenets and the Jim Crow policies. These policies discriminated against freed slaves and made them inferior and unequal with other people in society. Groups that carried out racism could get away with heinous acts such as murder and it would not be seen as something bad with no c onsequences. For instance, the KKK was not punished for their crimes (Foner, 2012). In addition, Historians argue that the objection of the efforts of reconstruction by various factions led those who desired to continue it either give up their efforts or become discouraged to be in a position to continue.
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